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Teledyne LeCroy Voyager M4x USB 3.2 Analyzer/Exerciser

USB 20Gb/s testing capable

Teledyne LeCroy, Inc. announced the Voyager M4x USB 3.2 analyzer (Gen 2×2 20Gb/s) upgrade to USB 3.2 analyzer/exerciser (Gen 2×2 20Gb/s) option, a first SuperSpeed USB 20Gb/s capable exerciser, enabling end-to-end testing for 20Gb/s enabled systems and devices.

Teledyne Lecroy Voyager™ M4x Industry’s First Superspeed Usb 20gb Exerciser

This USB exerciser option allows design and test engineers to mimic real-world USB device behaviors to verify functionality, error recovery, and compliance to the specs.

This option enables:

  • Test interoperability and error recovery – Users can program the exerciser to systematically test every configuration of SuperSpeed USB and all operational ranges by changing the exerciser’s link configuration parameters. Specifically, this new option supports Gen1x1, Gen1x2, Gen2x1, and Gen2x2 signaling.

  • Verify Link Layer compliance – The Voyager M4x platform supports the USB SuperSpeed Link Layer Compliance spec at 10Gb/s, and 20Gb/s rates.

  • Validate USB Type-C compliance – The Voyager M4x also supports the USB Type-C Functional Test spec, allowing developers to verify proper USB Type-C port operation, including USB data role-swap behaviors.

AMD is proud to deliver comprehensive end-to-end connectivity for gamers, workstation users, and creative professionals across our platforms, supporting superior in-app performance, expandability, and storage and transfer,” said Jason Hawken, director, technology enablement group, AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.). “Teledyne LeCroy’s Voyager M4x USB SuperSpeed USB 20Gb/s exerciser option allows our validation teams to emulate protocol traffic for the widest range of USB Type-C technologies, giving us confidence that the USB bus is operating at maximum performance.

The flagship Voyager M4x system has filled a critical need in the USB market as the only analyzer platform to support loss-less capture of traffic at the 20Gb/s and 40b/s USB4 link rates“, said Joe Mendolia, VP, PSG marketing, Teledyne LeCroy. “The release of the Voyager M4x USB 3.2 Analyzer (Gen 2×2 20Gb/s) upgrade to USB 3.2 Analyzer / Exerciser (Gen 2×2 20Gb/s) option enables traffic gen and is another industry first and a key building block for developers testing USB compliance and error recovery, insuring system interoperability and robustness.

The Voyager M4x USB 3.2 Analyzer (Gen 2×2 20Gb/s) upgrade to USB 3.2 analyzer/exerciser (Gen 2×2 20Gb/s) option is only available on the Voyager M4x platform. This USB exerciser option uses the same scripting framework as the previous gen Voyager M310P and the recently released Voyager M310e USB exerciser platforms to provide forward compatibility for test scripts running at the new USB bonded link rates.

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Voyager M4x SpectablThe Voyager M4x USB 3.2 exerciser option is available for purchase.

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