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Veeam Provides Data Protection for Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia

To meet government compliance requirements for BC

Veeam Software, Inc. announced that Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia (LLM), the government agency that oversees the design, construction, operation, maintenance and toll collection for highways and expressways spanning 1,820 kilometers countrywide, has chosen its Availability Suite and Aegis, a cloud backup and DR service from Infinity Consulting Technology Sdn Bhd (ICT).

Veeam Provides Modern Data Protection For Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia

Veeam and Aegis help LLM meet recovery objectives in the BC standards required by the Malaysian government, and they extend backups to a secure private cloud to increase ransomware protection. They also support compliance with the ISO 27001 standard and reduce annual IT costs by 50%.

Our goal is to improve the country’s highways,” said Mohd Sukri bin Shuib, assistant director of technology, LLM. “Veeam and Aegis protect the IT applications that support highway management and maintenance, so travel can be safer, faster and easier.

Millions of people travel on Malaysia’s highways, so LLM assesses every kilometer to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion and integrate automation. Several IT applications assist in this process, including an expressway performance indicator system, a highway construction monitoring process and a toll-road evaluation system. Protecting these applications is critical to highway management, maintenance and customer service, so when data protection became more of a challenge than an asset, the IT division searched for a replacement.

Our backup solution was becoming outdated,” Sukri bin Shuib said. “There were times when backup was slow and recovery was unreliable, making it more difficult to meet recovery objectives in the government’s BC policy.

To strengthen its backup and DR strategy, LLM contacted Infinity Consulting Technology, a Platinum Veeam Cloud & Service Provider partner (VCSP) in Malaysia. Aegis manages and monitors customers’ daily backup and recovery at a fixed price. It also offers complimentary and unlimited DR resources, including dedicated drill personnel who assist customers when performing drills, so they complete successfully.

Aegis obtained DR Certified Expert (DRCE) certification in 2012, giving it more than a decade of cloud backup and DR expertise.

Aegis is well respected among government agencies, and ICT is well known for matching organizations with the technology that best meets their needs, so that’s how we learned about Veeam,” said Sukri bin Shuib. “We quickly realized that Veeam and Aegis offer the most comprehensive backup and DR solution.

Veeam backups and replicates 10TB across more than 80 physical and VMs on premises and off premises to Aegis. Veeam Cloud Connect links LLM to Aegis, enabling the agency to extend data protection to the cloud without the cost and complexity of managing a second infrastructure. Backups and replicas are encrypted and secure, which increases ransomware protection.

Sukri bin Shuib said Veeam offers several features that legacy backup did not offer such as reliable backup and high-speed recovery to meet recovery objectives more easily. Additional features in Veeam ONE include monitoring and reporting for resolving issues proactively and Veeam DataLabs for verifying the recoverability of backups and replicas. Veeam scalability is another key feature because LLM’s data grows quickly due to a CCTV video that monitors traffic.

Veeam is also hardware, software and storage neutral,” said Sukri bin Shuib. “Veeam backups any workload on any hardware to any storage, so we don’t have to invest in new resources. And Veeam is more affordable than our previous solution, which reduces our annual IT costs by 50%.

Aegis helps LLM save money too. Instead of a costly capital expenditure to build and maintain a separate DR structure, LLM opted for an affordable operating expenditure for DR as a Service (DRaaS) from Aegis. In addition, ICT is ISMS-certified, enabling LLM to attain ISO 27001 compliance.

Veeam and Aegis make data protection easy and efficient,” concluded Sukri bin Shuib.

Case study: Veeam provides modern data protection for Lembaga Lebuhraya Malaysia to meet government compliance requirements for BC


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