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AC&NC JetStor Storage Platforms With Toshiba HDD for NAS and SAN

Disk drives at 10TB and 16TB

Toshiba America Electronic Components, Inc. and AC&NC (Advanced Computer & Network Corporation) announced that their strategic engagement is producing a family of enterprise storage solutions comprised of JetStor NAS and SAN platforms and Toshiba’s 10TB and 16TB HDDs.

Acnc Jetstor Intro

The systems are economical for workloads and use cases that require high capacity per spindle, such as tiering, yet robust and fast enough for demanding data-center and cloud applications.

The JetStor solutions are scalable, from hundreds of terabytes to petabytes of capacity, and feature design redundancies like dual controllers to ensure performance and availability. The Toshiba Enterprise capacity MG-Series drives are available in an 3.5-inch form factor and are helium-sealed for performance and efficiencies. Spinning at 7,200 rpm, they provide R/W speeds.

By expanding our collaboration with Toshiba, AC&NC will continue to offer market-leading storage solutions that deliver the reliability and affordability that businesses demand in their data centers and clouds,” said Gene Leyzarovich, president, AC&NC. “Toshiba has proven to be an excellent ally and together, we’re offering some of the best storage systems on the market. With our NAS and SAN JetStor systems shipping with Toshiba’s advanced HDDs, organizations will have new opportunities to realize very strong returns on investment.

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Ac&nc Xn8024d Scheme

Toshiba tested its HDDs in a storage platform available as the JetStor XN8024D, a 4U chassis with 24 drives, dual active controllers, and up to 99.9999% availability. Testing demonstrated that when equipped with 16TB HDDs, the platform offers enterprise and SMB system administrators a large capacity, high-performance, and a highly available and reliable storage solution. Additionally, the solution delivers excellent value in terms of power efficiency, which lowers their ownership costs.

Our testing reveals how JetStor and Toshiba can offer outstanding joint solutions for critical applications and preserving vital data,” said Scott Wright, director, HDD product marketing (Americas), Toshiba. “Whether for cloud- and rack-scaled storage, software-defined data centers, or backup services, these AC&NC and Toshiba solutions will provide enterprises of all sizes with a reliable and compelling value proposition.

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