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Object Matrix and PoINT Software in Partnership

For efficient data tiering with MatrixStore

Object Matrix Ltd and PoINT Software and Systems GmbH  have partnered to enable efficient lifecycle management with MatrixStore.

Object Matrix And Point Softwares In Partnership

The combination of MatrixStore, the object storage solution for the media industry, with PoINTs Storage Manager enables media companies to manage their storage, ensuring that capacity is used as efficiently as possible. PoINT Storage Manager identifies inactive data which can be automatically migrated to MatrixStore, reducing the load on expensive primary storage. At the same time, customers maintain fast and easy access to their entire archive.

The MatrixStore object storage platform is secure, integrated to many media platforms, cost effective for low and high volumes of media and comes with no hidden costs or additional charges to access data.

The company’s cloud offering, MatrixStore Cloud, offers the benefits and functionality experienced by organisations using frequent access tiers of public cloud storage at pricing levels that are comparable with archive tiers but without the egress fees or un-predictable costs.

Sebastian Klee, CMO, PoINT Software & Systems, commented: “The combination of the established products MatrixStore and PoINT Storage Manager offers a seamlessly coordinated cross-industry solution for modern workflows. Users benefit from the flexible and transparent access possibilities of PoINT Storage Manager, coupled with the integrated security mechanisms of MatrixStore.

Jonathan Morgan, CEO, Object Matrix, said: “Integrating with PoINT Storage Manager gives our users greater control over their entire archive, enabling files to be archived and tiered efficiently. Ultimately, this means they can easily optimise storage resources and maximise the cost efficiencies that come with storing more content in MatrixStore.
