Rich Gadomski and Betsy Doughty Co-Chairs of Board, Active Archive Alliance
From FujiFilm and Spectra Logic, respectively
This is a Press Release edited by on January 21, 2021 at 2:15 pmThe Active Archive Alliance announced that:
Rich Gadomski, head of tape evangelism at FujiFilm Recording Media USA, Inc., and
Betsy Doughty, VP of corporate marketing at Spectra Logic Corp., have been elected to serve as co-chairpersons of the board of directors.
They have been engaged with the alliance since the early days of its inception more than 10 years ago.
They succeed Peter Faulhaber, who led the organization for the past 6 years and recently transitioned to a new role as FujiFilm Corporation’s GM for business development and creation in Europe.
“Active archives are more relevant today than when we founded the Alliance a decade ago as users place increasing value on unstructured data for creating time to market advantage, R&D, and business intelligence,” said Doughty. “It has been a privilege to serve alongside Peter on the board, and we thank him for his inspired leadership and support. We are also eager to continue the Active Archive Alliance’s momentum and drive to educate end-users and facilitate the implementation of active archive solutions to solve today’s data growth challenges.”
Active archiving enables organizations to gain value from retained data quickly. As archival and unstructured data volumes proliferate, organizations worldwide are deploying active archives to unlock the value of their previously untapped data. Efficient and cost-effective, active archives leverage an intelligent data management layer to allow fast access to archival data across a virtual file system and manage data between storage systems and media types.
As highlighted in the 2020 Active Archive State of the Industry report, active archive solutions support a variety of vertical markets and applications. These include M&E, healthcare, telecommunications, financial, security, utilities, life sciences, high-res media, rich data streaming, the IoT, AI, ML, data lakes, and surveillance.
“Over the past decade, the Active Archive Alliance has brought together the best of breed technologies to help organizations manage the complexities of massive data volumes and realize far greater value and usability of their data,” said Gadomski. “Betsy and I look forward to building on the legacy of strong leadership that came before us as we support the adoption of active archives as an integral component of today’s digital transformation strategies.”
“It has been an honor to serve as COB of directors for the Active Archive Alliance for the past six years and witness the concept of active archiving evolve to become a strategic imperative to manage rapidly growing volumes of data intelligently,” said Faulhaber. “I look forward to watching the Alliance continue its valuable role within the storage and data management industry.“
For more information on joining the Active Archive Alliance, visit the sponsorship page.
The Active Archive Alliance includes the following members and sponsors: FujiFilm, Spectra Logic, Atempo, Harmony Healthcare IT, IBM, IMT Software, Iron Mountain, MediQuant, Object Matrix, PoINT Software and Systems, QStar Technologies, Quantum, StrongBox Data Solutions, SullivanStrickler, Western Digital, and XenData.