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Diamanti Ultima Simplifies Data Management in Enterprise Kubernetes

Software to extend Kubernetes data across hybrid- and multi-cloud environments

Diamanti, Inc. announced Ultima, a standalone software product based on it Kubernetes data plane management solution.

Diamanti Ultima

It delivers cloud-native data services with an integrated networking and storage data plane solution that can extend across on-premises and cloud-based environments, supporting any Kubernetes cluster distribution.

It replaces multiple point solutions needed to deliver multi-cluster networking and storage management and works with a range of underlying infrastructure.

It includes multi-tenant L2 and overlay container networking capabilities and container-aware data services like snapshots, backup, synchronous mirroring, and asynchronous replication, providing a simple operating experience for container lifecycle management across a hybrid cloud. 

Data management is changing drastically as more enterprises adopt Kubernetes across hybrid cloud infrastructures and containerize stateful applications,” said Tom Barton, CEO. “Many enterprises struggle with the complexity of Kubernetes and legacy storage and networking solutions that are not container-aware. Diamanti Ultima offers enterprises an all-in-one approach for seamless data management and portability across different clouds, delivering granular controls and protections for microservices and distributed applications.

Ultima abstracts the underlying storage infrastructure (e.g. Amazon EBS or NVMe) to enable application freedom across clouds.

The popularity of hybrid-cloud deployments means that many [organizations] will face the need to manage stateful applications across infrastructure types,” stated Liam Rogers, associate research analyst, 451 Research. “We believe customers will be looking for platforms that provide data management capabilities beyond data protection, that enable application and data portability, as well as offer seamless availability across locations that ensures management consistency and performance.

Ultima’s capabilities provides enterprises with simple operations, seamless data management across hybrid clouds with improved security and data protection for these environments. 

Ultima Addresses Hybrid Cloud Requirements for Enterprise
It is Kubernetes data plane software for both on-premises and public cloud environments.

It features a container-native storage layer with integrated data services and CNI and CSI plug-ins to deliver the following:

  •  A common operating model for managing data services across different clouds and infrastructure
  • Container-aware data services for the protection and resiliency of applications, including:
    • Instant volume snapshots
    • Off-cluster backup and restore
    • Asynchronous replication for cross-cluster DR
    • Synchronous volume mirroring within clusters, even those spanning availability zones
  • Hybrid cloud data portability that empowers enterprises to:
    • Migrate and failover stateful applications between clusters while maintaining persistent data
  • Interoperability with various public clouds and virtual and bare-metal infrastructure, supporting various Kubernetes management solutions including Diamanti Spektra, Red Hat OpenShift, Amazon EKS, and other Kubernetes services

Additionally, Ultima is designed to work with Diamanti’s storage and networking I/O offload technologies to optimize application performance. 

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