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Assured Data Protection Got Rubrik Authorized Support Partner Accreditation

First MSP to get it

Assured Data Protection Ltd (APP) has been recognized as the first MSP to be named a Rubrik Authorised Support Partner (RASP).

It delivers an outsourced, managed services approach to backup, DR, and BC using the Rubrik platform.

The RASP specialisation conveys exclusive status to a small group of performing Rubrik partners underscoring their success in delivering Rubrik’s support. APP has demonstrated a track record in delivering level one and level two technical support over time, thereby earning this sought-after credential authorising technical support on behalf of Rubrik.

Our RASP partners receive the same rigorous training as our own level three support engineers and are empowered to act as the first point of call for joint customers,” explained Giri Iyer, senior VP of WW customer support, Rubrik. “The RASP network represents a carefully curated extension of our own team. We are pleased to include Assured Data Protection in this elite group.

Simon Chappell, CEO, APP, explains that the global RASP accreditation means the company’s customers, regardless of worldwide location, can depend on high levels of service and support.

Our new RASP certification affirms our ability to deliver proven solution architecture and deployment for backup and DR – essential for day-to-day operations at every IT department,” adds Stacy Hayes, MD, Americas.

The company continues to rank as Rubrik’s first and largest MSP after more than 5 years. The close ties mean that from installation to steady-state operations, the customer experience is enhanced, knowledge transfer is richer, and overall solution success rates are higher than traditional do it yourself approaches.
