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Quantum Joined Active Archive Alliance

To advance strategies for unlocking value of archival data

The Active Archive Alliance announced that Quantum Corporation has joined the organization, which collaboratively provides end-users with the technical expertise to design and implement solutions to manage large unstructured data growth for decades.

Quantum joins a growing number of storage and IT vendors that work together to elevate new active archiving strategies, technologies and use cases to unlock the value of archival data.

We are pleased to welcome Quantum to the Active Archive Alliance,” said Peter Faulhaber, chairman, Active Archive Alliance, and president and CEO, Fujifilm Recording Media USA., Inc.The fast pace of data growth is spurring increased interest in active archive solutions as a way to cost-effectively manage digital archives while maintaining fast access to the data. Quantum brings a legacy of active archive solutions that enrich the Alliance membership’s range of innovative active archive solutions for intelligent data management.

Organizations around the world are creating and accumulating data at unprecedented rates. An active archive manages data for rapid search, retrieval, and analytics – both efficiently and cost-effectively. It leverages an intelligent data management layer that enables online access to data throughout its lifecycle regardless of which tier it resides in the storage hierarchy. Active archive solutions support a variety of vertical markets and applications, including healthcare, telecommunications, M&E, utilities, financial, security, life sciences, compliance, the IoT, high-res media, rich data streaming, AI and ML, data lakes, and surveillance.

Quantum technology and services help customers capture, create and share digital content – and preserve and protect it for decades. With solutions built for every stage of the data lifecycle, its platforms provide fast performance for high-resolution video and large unstructured data as well as the most durable and cost-effective solutions for long term preservation of all valuable content.

Quantum continues to be a leader in innovation for retaining and managing large unstructured datasets,” said Mark Pastor, director of product management, Quantum. “Quantum’s recent acquisition of ActiveScale object storage, combined with our leading tape platforms, elevates our participation in the archive community and further strengthens the company’s focus and participation in customers’ active archive infrastructure. We are excited to add our perspective as an industry leader to the important voice of the Alliance.

Members and sponsors of the organization include now Fujifilm, Spectra Logic, Atempo, Harmony Healthcare IT, IBM, Iron Mountain, MediQuant LLC, PoINT Software & Systems, QStar Technologies, Quantum, Qumulo, StrongBox Data Solutions and Western Digital.

