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Quarch Power Analysis Module For Power Testing on Storage Devices

Testing tool offers power measurement options and smaller form factor.

Complementary to – and extending upon – the Programmable Power Module (PPM), the Power Analysis Module (PAM) is Quarch Technology Ltd.’s testing tool that offers power measurement options, as well as a smaller form factor for easier deployment.

Quarch Power Analysis Module

The PAM makes it possible to test more than just storage devices, and also to illustrate the actual real-world interplay between a host system and the device under test. In this way it is different to the company’s PPM: rather than generating an ideal power supply to test vs., it instead measures the power, and even the sidebands of the host system itself. This is useful where there is a need to analyze power performance or timing within a specific host/device combination.

Controlled in same way and with same software as company’s other modules,
PAM delivers in more ways such as:

  • Voltage, current and power consumption measurement on all power rails

  • Digital Sideband monitoring for selected signals

  • Support for a wider range of interfaces and devices than ever, including higher current and voltage levels

  • Smaller size to save space and make setup easier.

Digital sideband analysis
Click to enlarge

Quarch Digital Sideband Analysis

Chirping on 3v3 rail. You can view Host power up/down, stability noise and more
Click to enlarge

Quarch Power Analysis Module

For fully analysis, the firm’s PPMs or Breakers can be used to recreate the PAM’s accurate measurements and turn them into repeatable scenarios for further testing.

This summer, the company moves towards the protocol layer with its upcoming release of a Cable Tester (a tool for analyzing the relative performance of high speed cables, and identifying faults), and will release its first Breaker Modules to perform hot-swap and fault injection automation for PCIe Gen5 devices.

Read also:
Compliance Suite All-in-One Hot-Plug Testing Program From Quarch Technology
For automated testing of removable host/drive systems
October 4, 2019 | Press Release
