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R&D: DAOS Scale-Out High Performance Storage Stack for Storage Class Memory

Presents architecture of DAOS storage engine and its high-level application interfaces, and also describes initial performance results of DAOS for IO500 benchmarks.

Springer Nature Switzerland AG has published, in Supercomputing Frontiers 6th Asian Conference, SCFA 2020, Singapore, proceedings, an article written by Zhen Liang, Intel China Ltd., GTC Beijing, China, Johann Lombardi, Intel Corporation SAS, Meudon Cedex, France, Mohamad Chaarawi, Intel Corporation, Austin, USA, and Michael Hennecke, Lenovo Global Technology Germany GmbH, Essen, Germany.

Abstract:The Distributed Asynchronous Object Storage (DAOS) is an open source scale-out storage system that is designed from the ground up to support Storage Class Memory (SCM) and NVMe storage in user space. Its advanced storage API enables the native support of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data models, overcoming the limitations of traditional POSIX based parallel filesystem. For HPC workloads, DAOS provides direct MPI-IO and HDF5 support as well as POSIX access for legacy applications. In this paper we present the architecture of the DAOS storage engine and its high-level application interfaces. We also describe initial performance results of DAOS for IO500 benchmarks.

