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Total WW Storage Data at 6.8ZB in 2020, Up 17% From 2019 – IDC

CAGR of 18% for 2019-2024

Despite the dramatic decline in worldwide IT spending brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, International Data Corporation expects the Global StorageSphere – the worldwide installed base of storage capacity – will continue to expand.

In a new update to its Worldwide Global StorageSphere Forecast, 2020–2024: Continuing to Store More in the Core ($4,500) forecast, IDC estimates that the installed base of storage capacity worldwide will grow to 6.8ZB this year, an increase of 16.6% over 2019. Over the course of the 2019-2024 forecast, it expects the installed base of storage capacity to achieve a CAGR of 17.8%.

The volume of data stored in the Global StorageSphere is doubling approximately every four years,” said John Rydning, research VP, IDC’s Global DataSphere. “While the Covid-19 pandemic will hamper economic growth and IT spending, it will have little impact on the expansion of the Global StorageSphere as consumers and organizations are likely to extend the useful life of existing storage capacity to keep up with the demand for storing more data, especially near term.”

Global StorageSphere measures the size of the worldwide installed base of storage capacity across six types of storage media, and how much of the storage capacity is utilized or available each year. The installed base of storage capacity is a cumulative metric: it is equivalent to the amount of new storage capacity deployed over the span of several years minus the systems or storage devices that either fail or are retired or decommissioned each year. The Global StorageSphere measures how much new data is created and/or replicated each year.

Key findings include the following:
• The amount of data being stored (utilized storage) in the Global StorageSphere is expected to grow to 8.9ZB by 2024, representing a 2019-2024 CAGR of 20.4%. Moreover, the share of utilized storage in the Global StorageSphere installed base is expected to reach 67.5% in 2024, up more than 7 percentage points from the beginning of the forecast.
• The dramatic growth in cloud storage is affecting the mix and share of the Global StorageSphere installed base between core, edge, and endpoint. The core is where the world’s data is progressively being stored and will hold a 60% share of the StorageSphere installed base in 2024, up from 40% in 2019. While the edge is growing nearly as fast as core, it will hold less than 10% of the overall Global StorageSphere installed base in 2024.
HDD storage makes up the majority of the StorageSphere installed base, although it will decline from 65% of the installed base in 2019 to about 54% of the installed base in 2024.


These last years IDC published the same kind of market reports sponsored by EMC and then Seagate. No one this year.

Here we come back to the former IDC's announcement to verify the quality of the predictions of the research analyst company:

In 2012, the report was expected 40ZB in 2020 and new figure here being here 6.8ZB, a lot of difference.

In 2017, IDC forecasts that by 2025 the global datasphere will grow to 163ZB (that is a trillion gigabytes), 10x the 16.1ZB of data generated in 2016. For 2024 here, it's now 8.9ZB..

Conclusion: Storage never stops to grow in term of WW capacities, and at a high rate. But, on its side, global WW storage revenue is not at all exploding at the same rate as the prices diminish drastically.

Note two different figures in the same press release above:

  • Over the course of the 2019-2024 forecast, it expects the installed base of storage capacity to achieve a CAGR of 17.8%.
  • The amount of data being stored (utilized storage) in the Global StorageSphere is expected to grow to 8.9ZB by 2024, representing a 2019-2024 CAGR of 20.4%.

In 2018, the prediction was from 33ZB in 2018 to 175ZB by 2025, once more compared to 8.9ZB for 2024 here.

Answer by Dave Reinsel:
Thank you for mentioning our Global StorageSphere report. You might want to check your numbers, though. There are two measures and two reports:

1. The Global DataSphere, which is a measure of how much data is CREATED (but not necessarily stored). The Global StorageSphere, which is a measure of the installed based of bytes across the globe, and the one that you are citing in your recent article at 8.9ZB in 2024 of installed capacity across the globe (and across HDD, flash, tape, optical)

Indeed, in 2012, we forecast the 2020 DataSphere (the amount of data CREATED and Replicated) to be 40ZB. In our latest release of the DataSphere, 2020 is expected to be 59ZB,

DataSphere release
StorageSphere release

Read also:
Global Datasphere From 33ZB in 2018 to 175ZB by 2025
22ZB must ship across all media types from 2018 to 2025, with 59% supplied from HDDs - IDC/Seagate [with our comments]
November 28, 2018 | Press Release
163ZB Global Datasphere Projected in Data Age 2025 - IDC/Seagate
Ten times 16.1ZB of data generated in 2016
October 11, 2017 | Press Release
Total WW Data to Reach 163ZB by 2025
Ten times more than today
April 5, 2017 | Press Release
2.8ZB of Data Created and Replicated in 2012
And 40ZB by 2020, expects IDC.
December 12, 2012 | Press Release
