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Storage Made Easy Enterprise File Fabric Helps IT Solve Secure Access Problem to On-Premises and On-Cloud Storage

To existing company data during global public health crisis

Storage Made Easy (SME), trading name of Vehera Ltd., announces that its secure multi-cloud software, the Enterprise File Fabric, is being used by companies to securely audit access to existing company data during this global public health crisis.

 Enterprise File Fabric solution

Sme Enterprise File Fabric Solution Scheme

Due to global legislation regarding self-isolation and the need to work form home, the need for a service that can provide secure access to on-premises data in addition to cloud data is a requirement, as it is the need to ensure that such access is legislatively compliant and follow corporate policies.

The File Fabric works with what a firm has, it does not bring new storage or content to the table. Companies can add existing storage, whether that is existing DFS, SAN, NAS, SharePoint or Windows Filers that reside on-premises, plus any enterprise cloud stores that a company has, such as Amazon S3, Azure or Google Storage, and tie it into existing company LDAP, Active Directory os SAML. The net result for employees is a cloud web scale experience to a company’s existing data assets, but secure. Even office workflows are similar with remote users having desktop drive, web and mobile access.

Storage Made Easy Enterprise File Fabric Scheme

Enterprise File Fabric provides especially:

  • On-premises and on-cloud data federation

  • Integration with companies’ existing Identity Access Management solutions

  • Multi-factor authentication

  • FIPS certified encryption of data

  • Policy-based content management to help comply with compliance legislation

  • Auditable event logs

  • DLP and digital watermarks for ‘view only’ data

  • Real-time PHI/PII content scanning

  • Ransomware protection through the unique ‘Forever File feature

Jim Liddle, CEO, Storage Made Easy, said: “We have seen a huge uptick in companies wanting to access sensitive on-premises data but at web scale with the cloud application type experience users are used to. The File Fabric is a private software only infrastructure that, with no hardware to prepare and configure, can be deployed and operational in hours, weeks or months. Unlike other vendors we are not introducing new storage into the mix but simply making what a company already has securely accessible, usable and more productive to end users. No data is moved or copied, we index existing data and provide intelligent metadata management which facilitates employees receiving the same protections at home that they have in the office whilst simultaneously satisfying compliance regimes such as GDPR and CCPA.

Resources :
wo Minute Overview of the Enterprise File Fabric
Remote Working Series – CloudEdit

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