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TerraMaster: D5 Thunderbolt 3 RAID 5-Bay Desktop System

Supports RAID-0, -1, -5, -10 as well as JBOD, up to 1,035MB/s and 850MB/s RW speeds.

TerraMaster Technology Co., Ltd. share the features of its line of DAS for Thunderbolt 3 devices.

Terramaster D5 1sns

The line-up of pro-RAID Thunderbolt 3 storage devices offers scalability and performance for their price and allow professionals to leverage, top-level features for their work. Focusing on the D5 Thunderbolt 3, this product has a balance of price and features for the demanding workflow.

Hardware RAID with multiple options
The D5 Thunderbolt 3 supports RAID-0, -1, -5, and -10 natively as well as JBOD configuration. Get data redundancy and performance or go performance or redundant with this choice of RAID configuration. It is powered by a hardware RAID controller so you get faster and more secure performance from your direct-attached store product.

Terramaster D5 Scheme

Fast, Thunderbolt-connected
With up to 40Gb/s of bandwidth, Thunderbolt 3 offers speed to support read and write operation with a 5-disk SSD array in RAID-0 yielding up to 1,035MB/s throughput in internal testing. This, coupled with the capacity offering of a multi-drive device, offers capacity, speed and performance for workflows.

Terramaster D5 RAID Chain

Daisy-chain and multi-monitor support
Connect multiple monitors and Thunderbolt 3 devices thanks daisy-chain support and use multiple screens up to three screens simultaneously. For multi-taskers or optimized, multi-screen panel workflows, utilize both the speed and flexibility of Thunderbolt 3 with your D5 Thunderbolt 3.

Certified quality
With certification from Intel Corp. and Apple, Inc., the Thunderbolt 3 lineup promises design and performance on-par with the expectation of customers from these companies, offering reliability as well.

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TerraMaster: D8 Thunderbolt 3 RAID 8-Bay Desktop System
$1,600 including built-in DisplayPort output
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