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Hubstor Assigned Patent

Systems relating to network-based storage

Hubstor Inc., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, has been assigned a patent (10,516,669) developed by Bourgeois, Geoffrey, and Campbell, Greg, Greely, Canada, for “methods and systems relating to network based storage.

The abstract of the patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office states: Cloud storage provides for accessible interfaces, near-instant elasticity and scalability, multi-tenancy, and metered resources within a framework of distributed resources acing to provide highly fault tolerant solutions with high data durability. However, cloud storage has drawbacks and limitations which are addressed by: a graphical user interface which portrays content ingested from third party sources in its original folder contexts and determines what folder locations each knowledge worker will see in the interface rather than how they are uploaded onto the remote storage, a centralized determination of incremental ingestion of changes from a data source to a cloud storage repository that should be written, and a responsive method of obtaining query results for policies that evaluate one or more clauses against a cloud storage repository containing large data sets, and a means of maintaining/refreshing of statistics for large data sets within a cloud storage repository.

The patent application was filed on November 8, 2016 (15/346,094).
