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History (1990): Taiwan Media Technology Acquired Censtor for $6 Million

In thin film sputter HDD technology

Taiwan Media Technology Corp. (TMT), a Taiwan-based oxide HDD manufacturer purchased Censtor (San Jose, CA) in order to acquire that company’s thin film sputter HDD technology.

It changed the company’s name to KMI Magnetic, Inc. when it purchased it in August.

TMT’s total investment was $6 million.

Censtor’s technology will be transferred to Taiwan, with mass production of products based on the technology scheduled to begin in Taiwan by year-end.

Target production is 600,000 pieces a month. TMT actually produces 180,000 oxide HDDs per month, and has no plans to decrease this production.

This article is an abstract of news published on the former paper version of Computer Data Storage Newsletter on issue ≠34, published on November 1990.
