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Infortrend 4U 60-Bay Unified Storage System

Up to 910PB+ on SSDs/HDDs, 900/5,500MB/s R/W speeds, 900,000 IO/s, 8/16/32Gb FC, 10/25GbE, and 12Gb SAS host connectivity

Infortrend Technology, Inc. introduces the 4U 60-bay unified storage system to address data growth and limited datacenter space challenges.

Gs3060 R

The 4U 60-bay EonStor GS Gen2 features performance, and its high density enclosure can accommodate up to 896 drives in one system, delivering 10PB+  capacity for data-intensive applications.

EonStor GS 3000/4000 Gen2 is the latest gen of the company’s HA enterprise unified storage which integrates NAS/SAN/cloud gateway into one system. Compared with the previous solutions, GS Gen2′ NAS performance is improved by 60%, reaching up to 9,900/5,500MB/s R/W throughput. It also supports 900,000K IO/s performance. Other enhancements include double memory capacity, four onboard 10GbE ports for high-speed I/O connections, and form factors.

With the support of Intel Corp.‘s advanced CPU platform, and the released 4U 60-bay form factor, GS Gen2 is designed to empower customers to overcome the issues of rapid data growth in terms of storage performance and capacity, while optimizing the datacenter space utilization.

Infortrend releases the 4U 60-bay GS Gen2 series to prepare businesses for the enormous data management requirements. This new solution is especially future-proof for data-intensive applications, such as M&E, surveillance, and HPC,” said Thomas Kao, senior director, product planning.

Features of 4U 60-bay EonStor GS Gen2

  • Supports up to 896 drives per system

  • Supports block, file level protocols

  • Integrates with Cloud storage

  • NAS performance enhanced by 60%

  • Supports Fibre 8/16/32Gb FC, 10/25GbE/iSCSI), and 12Gb SAS host connectivity

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Infortrend Eonstor Gs 3000 4000 Gen2 Physical Spectabl

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