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StorageCraft Enhancing ShadowXafe Data Protection

Includes VMware-certified vSphere APIs for I/O filtering.

StorageCraft Technology Corp. announced the availability of ShadowXafe V2 R2 with enhanced management and protection features including the VMware-certified vSphere APIs for I/O filtering.

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ShadowXafe, the next gen of data protection products, provides rapid and robust recovery of any failed VM with the company’s patented VirtualBoot technology. By leveraging the filter sets available in the vSphere APIs for I/O filtering framework, any failed system can be recovered within seconds, making the data available for immediate use. This results in reduced downtime and cost.

The company is uses of the vSphere APIs for I/O filtering framework and has turned the notoriously slow and difficult task of data recovery into a quick process.

Says Shridar Subramanian, VP, product and marketing, StorageCraft, said: “Thanks to our innovative solution, today, everyone can restore data and get from disaster to production with just a few mouse clicks. The certification from VMware is the next step in enhanced partner recovery and adoption of the vSphere APIs for I/O Filtering framework and developer ecosystem.

ShadowXafe for total BC is simple to deploy, easy to manage and reliable under the most demanding circumstances. It ensures SLA-driven data protection and delivers recovery for physical and VMs. Integrated with the firm’s cloud-based DR as a Service (DRaaS), ShadowXafe provides total BC and orchestrated recovery with a single click.

Read also:
StorageCraft Upgrades ShadowXafe Data Protection and Recovery Software
For MSP and SMEs to standardize on single platform for data protection and BC
June 6, 2019 | Press Release
VMworld: StorageCraft ShadowXafe Data Protection Solution
Flexible SLA-driven data protection for virtual and physical environments
August 28, 2018 | Press Release
