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OSNexus QuantaStor V.5.4 Software Featuring Scale-out NAS

Capabilities including CephFS based scale-out NAS, IBM Key Protect integration, and storage protocol firewall management

OSNexus Corp. announced the availability of QuantaStor 5.4 with capabilities including CephFS based scale-out NAS, IBM Key Protect integration, and storage protocol firewall management.

Encryption security
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QuantaStor 5.4 represents a significant step forward with the new security features and scale-out NAS capabilities,” said Steven Umbehocker, CEO, OSNexus. “Using Ceph technology for file, block, and object storage unifies our scale-out storage strategy and enables customers to get even higher ROI out of their scale-out storage deployments.

The QuantaStor SDS platform helps organizations reach new levels of IT agility by enabling standard servers to be set up as enterprise storage systems. To enable these systems to reach hyper-scale capacities, QuantaStor has a storage grid technology allowing the combination of up to 64x systems together into a ‘storage grid’. Storage grid technology also enables deployment and management across public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid-cloud environments to meet the needs of a set of storage use cases.

QuantaStor 5.4 highlights:

  • Scale-out NAS with CephFS – It utilizes scale-out NAS capabilities based on CephFS. Scale-out configuration, support NFS and SMB protocols with features including compression, encryption, and snapshots.

  • IBM Key Protect integration – It supports IBM Key Protect as a key management system for creating encrypted storage pools.

  • Storage firewall management – Updated firewall settings enable IT security administrators to control protocol access at a system and network interface level.

  • Enhanced upgrade manager – Simplified upgrade process makes it to apply driver and security updates to QuantaStor systems.

  • S3 bucket management – Common S3 bucket management operations are accessible via the QuantaStor web management interface, CLI, and REST API.

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