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Availability of Storage Manager Software V.6.4 From PoINT Software & Systems

With 'User Controlled Archiving' function, allowing users to customise which data to archive and when, makes it easier to maintain compliance and securely archive data

PoINT Software & Systems GmbH announces availability of the its Storage Manager software version 6.4.

Point Software Sm Scheme

The focus for this release is the ‘User Controlled Archiving’ function, which allows users to customise which data to archive and when. This makes it easier to maintain compliance and securely archive data.

Previously, the Storage Manager software had only given administrators the right to specify criteria and rules for automatically archivng data. This integrated function, ‘User Controlled Archiving’, is also available to users as a Windows Explorer add-in. This makes archiving data as easy as creating a copy of it, and eliminates the need to open another application or enter data in a separate interface.

Point Storage Manager Filearchiving

The administrator specifies which users have the appropriate permissions to individually archive data and also determines which commands are available. This means that control over the archiving system as a whole is still centralised.

User Controlled Archiving expands the range of applications for our established software solution, the PoINT Storage Manager,” said Thomas Thalmann, CEO, PoINT. “Many of our customers have been asking for this new feature, which is now here for version 6.4.

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