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Storage Made Easy Updates Multi-Cloud iOS, Android and Mac Apps for Enterprise File Fabric

Client applications for secure multi-cloud content management solution

Storage Made Easy (SME) updated its iOS, Android and OSX client applications for its secure multi-cloud content management solution, the Enterprise File Fabric.

Sme 11 Photo 1

The Storage Made Easy File Manager application for iOS has been updated with improvements that include support for streaming videos, as well as improvements to devices using iOS’s Accessibility tools.

With video streaming support, users of the iOS application can now stream videos in real time that are stored on their on-cloud or on-premises storage platforms, without needing to download the entire video to their device. Users can also ‘scrub’ through videos, allowing them to quickly pan through the video to find their relevant portion.

Sme 13 Folder Actions

The iOS application also has received improvements around it’s integration with iOS’s Accessiblity toolsets, such as supporting large font modes.

Enterprise File Fabric Android app

Sme Cloud File Manager Android 2

The Enterprise File Fabric Android app has also received improvements to it’s hierarchical Notes application, allowing users to easily take, record, save and synchronize Notes that can be stored on any of the 60+ storage solution supported.

Company’s mobile Apps features include:

  • Secure file sharing for over 60 storage clouds, including Amazon S3 and S3 compatible storage, that includes the ability to set time expiry and passwords.

  • Sync: Sync from any cloud directory to any device. Users can also map directories from multiple storage endpoints to be synchronized.

  • Upload/download files directly to/from iOS/Android devices devices

  • Cloud view: View documents ‘on cloud’ without needing to download

  • Document sharing: Open files downloaded to SME in other iOS/Android Apps and vice-versa

  • Local file security: Can be set to use Apple’s device encryption or Android device encryption to protect all files stored on device

  • Create/manage collaboration groups for sharing files in workspaces directly from a device.

macOS app suite

Sme Macos Perferences Configur

The macOS app suite has also received a raft of stability and user experience improvements, giving users the editing and browsing experience, whether that’s using the Enterprise File Fabric’s ‘Virtual’ OSX Drive in Finder, Cloud Files browser from the Mac menu bar, desktop syncronization, or editing directly from a browser through the File Fabric’s CloudEdit functionality (Open in a web browser and edit and save back to cloud from the desktop application).

Sme Mac Cloud Drive

Firm’s macOS App suite consists of:

  • Cloud Drive: Adds a mapped Cloud Drive that appears directly in Finder.

  • Finder integration: Integrated into Finder actions for sharing or locking a file.

  • Desktop sync: In addition to the drive nominate local or cloud folders for sync.

  • Mail integration integrates directly into Mac Mail for secure file sharing.

  • Search integration: Accessible directly from the toolbar.

  • Applications are published and can be accessed from:

      • iOS

      • Android

      • macOS

For its direct enterprise customers which include corporate, service provider, government and educational establishments, these applications can be tailored and branded to suit the needs of end users.

Read also:
Storage Made Easy Joined Google Cloud Platform Marketplace
Enabling companies to deploy multi-cloud virtual file systems in Google Cloud
April 29, 2019 | Press Release
