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ISC: EUROstor Showing Software-Based Storage Solutions With PetaSAN and Quobyte

Configured and performance-optimized servers, depending on customer requirements, with up to 36x3.5-inches or 72x2.5-inches disks.

At International Supercomputing Conference, EUROstor GmbH presents software-based storage solutions with PetaSAN and Quobyte.

Eurostor Petasan

Storage systems often has to be available around the clock and should not only continue to run if any component fails, but also when capacity needs to be expanded. Here, scale-out solutions offer flexibility. If required, additional nodes can be integrated into the cluster, increasing the capacity and also performance and bandwidth.

Eurostor Quobyte Scheme

Especially for iSCSI connection the company has added a product series based on Ceph, which, in contrast to classical Ceph clusters, does not require special knowledge of the Ceph architecture.

This is made possible by the open source software PetaSAN, which is installed on these servers. The Ceph cluster can then be configured as an iSCSI cluster via a GUI and connected to the clients via multipath. Everything else is done by the software.

The firm installs PetaSAN on configured and performance-optimized servers, depending on customer requirements, with up to 36 3.5-inch or 72 2.5-inch disks.

The company will present these product series for the first time at the ISC in Frankfurt, where a demo cluster will be available.

Eurostor Quobyte Scheme2

Another main topic is scale-out clusters for NAS and object storage, which the firm equips with the software of its partner Quobyte, Inc. They are also scalable to many hundreds of nodes and special APIs can also be used optimally and performing with TensorFlow and Kubernetes applications.
