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IBM and Panzura Sign Software Reseller Agreement

To deliver enterprise file services for IBM cloud object storage

Panzura, Inc. announced a software reseller agreement with IBM Corp.

Under the agreement, IBM will resell Panzura Freedom Cloud NAS software with IBM’s storage portfolio, providing enterprises with a single file and object solution that makes all file data accessible from anywhere.

Freedom NAS file services replace traditional enterprise NAS with infinitely scalable, secure and durable cloud attached storage (CAS) without sacrificing performance or having to rewrite file-based applications running in the data center. With Freedom NAS, IBM customers can consolidate unstructured data, that currently resides across data islands, into IBM Cloud Object Storage (COS), eliminating copy data sprawl, improving data security and reducing total costs by up to 70%.

Panzura has an easy way to migrate file storage to IBM COS without interruption to workflows or applications. Panzura makes file-based apps cloud-capable and available on COS, no rewrite needed. Once deployed, the combination of Freedom NAS and COS provides a single source of truth for converged primary and secondary file data while eliminating costly backup and data recovery workflows.

Panzura Freedom NAS and IBM COS deliver: 

  • High performance NFS/SMB file services
  • Integrated backup, cloud DR and data protection
  • Encrypted data in flight and at rest
  • Infinite scale and durability of the IBM COS
  • Automated, API-driven workflows
  • Search and analytics

With unstructured data accounting for 80% of all data created by 2020, enterprise companies looking to unlock the power of that data require the scale and durability of a modern object store with the performance and features of a traditional NAS solution,” said Patrick Harr, CEO, Panzura. “Panzura is the only enterprise high-performance file services solution built for IBM COS. Our partnership with IBM enables enterprise customers to easily migrate their file-based applications without rewrite, converge their primary and secondary storage and collaborate globally from a single, scalable platform.

The combination of Freedom NAS and COS includes:

  • Rendering and content creation for media and entertainment
  • Processing genomics for life sciences
  • Running simulations and archiving data for financial services
  • Seismic data processing for oil and gas
  • Medical imaging storage and analytics for healthcare
  • EDA simulations for engineering
  • Cross-site collaboration for CAD/CAM
  • File shares and home directories
  • Database and VM backups in the cloud
  • Cloud DR and long-term archival of critical file data

Freedom NAS
It is a solution to consolidate and manage the growth of unstructured NFS, SMB and object data into the cloud without sacrificing data center performance or rewriting applications. ItS is a software-defined platform for primary data consolidation, real-time collaboration, automatic cloud backup and DR and anywhere, any device access with extended Panzura mobile. Freedom NAS is backed by Panzura CloudFS, a seventh generation, enterprise file system purpose-built for the cloud.

Panzura Freedom NAS is available as a subscription license through IBM.
