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IBM VM Recovery Manager for Power Systems, V1.3.0 Enhancements

HA solution for cloud deployments

IBM VM Recovery Manager for Power Systems, V1.3.0 enhancements

IBM VM Recovery Manager provides a simple to deploy and manage HA solution for Power Systems.

VM Recovery Manager HA solution architecture
Ibm Vm Recovery Manager Power Systems

It provides a data center HA solution for cloud deployments. VM Recovery Manager, V1.3.0.2 releases capabilities in the base product and extends the VM Recovery Manager for HA GUI capabilities to VM Recovery Manager for DR:

  • Support for A9000 (XIV) storage mirroring-based DR management
  • HA agent for Postgres database

Graphical management enhancements for VM Recovery Manager DR:

  • HA management: topology view enhancements and operations history
    Enable DR management operations (for example, Move, Failover rehearsal)
  • Improved topology reporting across sites (for example, mirroring configuration)
  • Report HA-managed or DR-managed environment configuration (useful for license check purposes)

VM Recovery Manager DR for Power Systems, V1.3.0, is enhanced and includes VM Recovery Manager HA, V1.3.0. In this version of the program, you can deploy either in DR mode or HA mode. You will not be able to deploy in DR mode and HA mode, with both active.

Note that the VM Recovery Manager HA program provides for a set of HA capabilities such as:

  • BC through automated restart of VMs for unplanned outage events.
  • Support for manual failovers through advisory mode.
  • Planned outage management is provided by Live Partition Mobility.
  • Provides extensive monitoring that detects failures of hosts, VMs, and applications.
  • Flexible policies such as collocation and anticollocation policies to manage VMs and their relationships.
  • Use of spare capacity by relocating VMs using a best fit mechanism, thus avoiding one-to-one hardware redundancy.
  • Custom application monitoring framework for applications inside IBM AIX or Linux VMs.
  • A graphical interface that enables you to deploy, monitor, and manage your HA environment from a single pane of glass.

Key requirements
VM Recovery Manager operates on IBM PowerVM capable systems and needs an HMC to interact with the systems. Note that it is required that the VMs/LPARs protected by the solution need to be completely virtualized based on PowerVM virtualization.

Planned availability date: June 21, 2019
