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With PM Test Software and Tester, Calypso Systems Measured Optane DCPMM

Over 36,500MB/s bandwidth (for sequential 128,000 read) and 32.4 million IO/s (for sequential 5,000 read) at average response time of 0.11μs

Calypso Systems, Inc. has measured Optane DCPMM performance at over 36,500MB/s bandwidth (for sequential 128,00 read) and 32.4 million IO/s (for sequential 5,000 read) at an average response time of 0.11μs.

Calypso PM CPC persistent memory control server

Calypso Pm Cpc Persistent Memory Control Server

Testing was conducted using the company’s PM test software connected to an Intel Corp.‘s Optane DCPMM server with six interleaved DCPMM modules. PM testers and ‘PM Performance Reports’ – using both ‘Synthetic Benchmarks and Datacenter Real World Application workloads’ – are available from the company.

Sequenttial 5,000 read: IO/s and response times x TC/QD

Calypso F2

Intel Optane DCPMM Persistent Memory Servers offer performance that is orders of magnitude faster than NVMe SSDs and, for some workloads, can approach speeds of DRAM,” said Eden Kim, CEO, Calypso, and chair, SNIA SSS Technical Working Group. Persistent Memory (PM) storage, defined as non-volatile storage that sits directly on the memory bus, provides much faster bandwidth and IO/s than Block IO storage while providing response times in the sub micro-second range. These faster PM storage architectures will allow software application developers, web portal/datacenter architects and storage professionals to design and deliver an important storage tier that occupies space between volatile DRAM and slower NVMe SSD storage.

PM CPC Persistent Memory Tester is an integrated test server that provides performance test to PM and other logical storage. The client-server-database architecture of the PM CPC means that any PM or other storage can be connected to the PM CPC directly, over fabric or remotely. PM Testers also allow users to capture ‘Real-World Application Workloads’ and to automatically create ‘Real-World Workload’ test scripts to analyze applications, optimize performance and qualify storage.

The PM CPC can apply both byte addressable and block IO test workloads for Memory Mode or App Direct Mode. Synthetic benchmark or Real-World workloads can be applied at the DAX File System level in Mmap, Msync, Non-Temporal Write mode or in traditional Block IO mode. Testing can also be run to conventional block storage at the file system, virtual or physical level.

Direct/Remote/Fabric test to any logical storage

Calyso F3

Data center real world database workload on DCPMM

Calypso F4

The company’s PM CPC testers allow users to set DCPMM servers settings and modes to achieve the highest performance possible. The firm is also development of a PM Performance Test Specification in the SNIA Solid State Storage Technical Working Group (S3 TWG). This PM PTS plans to set forth practices for performance validation and measurement of persistent memory.

Led by the company and Intel, the SNIA S3 TWG plans to release a PM PTS v1.0 specification in 1Q20-2Q20.
