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Infortrend: 25GBE Host Board for EonStor GS 2000/3000/4000 Storage Systems

With two 25GbE ports per host board, reducing network bottleneck

Infortrend Technology, Inc. announces the availability of 25GbE host board for EonStor GS 2000/3000/4000, designed to enhance the flexibility for storage configuration and deployment.

GS4016 system


With increasing performance from the latest generation processors and SSDs, storage systems now demand faster I/O to exchange data across network efficiently. A single 25GbE lane offers 2.5x bandwidth and is backward compatible with 10GbE, ensuring a transition with flexibility. 25GbE meets the growing performance requirements such as HPC, distributed applications, and clustered databases.

With two 25GbE ports per host board, the company offers its customers a high bandwidth over Ethernet networks, which reduces network bottleneck and simplifies storage deployment. In terms of configuration, a dual controller GS 4000 system can support of up to eight 25GbE ports with two host boards per controller.

GS4016 system rear


New and innovative applications are stressing network bandwidth beyond 10 GbE. By providing a new 25 GbE host board for EonStor GS family, we provide our customers with a solution that grows with their investment and offers them the highest ROI.” said Thomas Kao, senior director, product planning.

Existing GS 2000/3000/4000 users can upgrade to 25GbE host board with firmware update. 25GbE host board will also soon to be offered in the EonStor DS storage family.
