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Linbit Unveils Reference Architecture for SDS in Collaboration With Cloud Platform OpenNebula

Demonstrates how container-native SDS solution can be deployed and deliver speed and reliability.

Linbit HA-Solutions GmbH announced a reference architecture for SDS in collaboration with cloud platform OpenNebula.

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The architecture demonstrates how a container-native SDS solution can be deployed and deliver speed and reliability. The companies have installed a representative configuration in Frankfurt, Germany at a facility provided by e-shelter, one of the top data center operators in Europe.

LINBIT SDS is the only SDS solution that augments, rather than duplicate the storage management functionality that is already available in the Linux OS,” said Brian Hellman, COO, Linbit. “This simple but novel approach translates to a reliable feature-rich solution for large and small enterprise customers.

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Volume and configuration management is provided by LINSTOR, a software tool that serves as management console for LINBIT products, while fast and reliable data replication is delivered by DRBD, a part of the Linux kernel for nearly a decade.

OpenNebula over LINSTOR enables a fully hyper-converged cloud with state-of-the-art orchestration and storage features, using OSS components exclusively,” said Constantino Vázquez, engineering manager OpenNebula Systems. “The integration between the two couldn’t be more natural – they are a perfect fit.

LINSTOR simplifies the management of block storage devices for Linux server clusters of any size. In addition, it is integrated with Kubernetes and OpenShift, which simplifies building, running, and controlling block storage.

OpenNebula is an enterprise-ready solution that includes the features needed to provide an on-premises (private) cloud offering, and to offer public cloud services. Red Hat OpenShift is an open source container application platform based on the Kubernetes container orchestrator for enterprise application development and deployment.

The facility enable companies to test the range of the OpenNebula and LINSTOR functionality with easy access, within minutes, and access to a pre-build configuration.
