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Archive360 Enhances Archive2Azure Information Management Platform for Microsoft Cloud

Protecting and archiving vast and diverse universe of applications and data

Archive360, Inc. announced the expansion and enhancement of its intelligent information management solution, Archive2Azure.

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The enhanced intelligent information management and archiving platform enables organizations of all sizes across virtually every industry vertical, to better capture, extend, onboard, and manage numerous types of structured and unstructured data into their Microsoft Cloud (Office365 and Azure) in a manner that meets regulatory, legal, and business mandates, in a legally defensible and compliant manner

The Archive2Azure platform now offers a choice of flexible modules designed to ensure each customer’s unique business, legal/eDiscovery, regulations and budgetary requirements are met, as follows:

  • Databases – Retire and/or archive aging database applications for cost savings, to free-up space, and increase application performance – all while ensuring regulations compliance and legal preparedness.

  • Files – Clean-up files servers to reduce costs, increase productivity and lower legal and regulatory risk – while extending capabilities to the cloud.

  • Healthcare – Affordable and compliant information management and archiving that consolidates, secures, and manages the ever expanding sources of patient healthcare content including imaging.

  • Legacy applications – Archive and manage structured and unstructured legacy data in a low cost, secure and searchable cloud platform that ensures regulatory retention and legal requirements, while eliminating the customary time, cost and risk previously associated with application retirement.

  • Media – Realize the value of audio and video content, transcribe, index, and search audio and video files by the spoken word, immediately move to each keyword in the file – innovative machine learning technology understands and translates content into 50+ languages, enhancing the speed and accuracy of search and translation (especially over manual human processes).

  • Messaging – From email, to social media, to collaboration applications – onboard, consolidate, and manage all corporate communications into your company’s Azure tenancy.

  • Salesforce – Archive, manage, and protect aging Salesforce content to avoid forced deletion that puts companies at great risk for regulations and legal non-compliance.

  • SharePoint – Better manage, analyze and protect SharePoint data, while extending SharePoint online storage resources to the Azure cloud.

More powerful and flexible than ever, Archive360’s Archive2Azure platform is a game changer for organizations tasked with managing and protecting a vast and diverse universe of applications and data spread across their enterprise – each with different business, legal, regulatory and/or budgetary requirements attached,” said Bill Tolson, VP, marketing, Archive360.

One-size-fits-all technology solutions simply cannot meet today’s digital economy requirements,” said Michael Osterman, principal analyst and founder, Osterman Research, Inc. “Archive360 offers organizations the flexibility to tailor their application and data management and archival storage to meet their own specific needs – today and we anticipate that will be the case in the future.

Archive2Azure delivers an intelligent information management platform. It addresses key requirements, which include ensuring all data is stored in its original format, is WORM compliant, is secure, and can be found and retrieved quickly. All data is maintained in the customer’s own Azure tenancy, retention/disposition policies can be assigned, chain of custody is maintained, audit and reporting for peace of mind, and more.
