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Archive360 on Microsoft List of Partners

Helping customers in GDPR journey

Archive360, Inc. has been included on Microsoft’s list of Partners Helping Customers in Their GDPR Journey.

The newly published list, which was revealed in a Microsoft blog entitled, Leverage the Channel Ecosystem to Create GDPR Offers by the OCP security and compliance team, touts the benefits of its partners working together to solve complex challenges, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), being faced by enterprise, medium and small business end customers.

The blog states: “At Microsoft, we’re seeing an increasing number of partners who are choosing to work together on addressing the GDPR for their customers through a consortium approach. This allows partners to address customers’ needs, spanning guidance on regulatory compliance through technology expertise to implementation of specific remediation plans. As partners create strategic arrangements with their ch,el counterparts, they not only speed time-to-market, but also create a powerful value proposition for customer – a simplified approach to GDPR compliance.

Today’s business and IT professionals are facing, and likely losing sleep over, increasingly complicated and stringent business, internal governance, legal and compliance mandates. Of course, this is especially true for those seeking a viable, reliable and affordable solution for complying with the looming GDPR deadline,” said Bill Tolson, VP marketing, Archive360. “For many the best solution will no come from just one vendor, but rather a union of innovative technologies and methodology. We are delighted to have been included on Microsoft’s robust list of those it feels can offer a critical piece of the GDPR compliance puzzle.

Archive360’s Archive2Azure delivers a robust, intelligent information management platform. It  addresses key requirements, which include ensuring all data is stored in its original format, is WORM compliant, is secure, and can be found and retrieved quickly. All customer data is maintained in their own Azure tenancy, retention/disposition policies can be assigned, assured and much more. These capabilities, and more, make it a solution for organizations seeking to comply with the impending GDPR.
