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Coppell ISD Chooses Sphere 3D’s HVE

Through reseller Cynergy Technology

Sphere 3D Corp. announced that Coppell ISD has selected the company’s HVE technology (HVE ConneXions, LLC) to upgrade the district’s technology infrastructure in their primary and secondary datacenters through HVE authorized reseller, Cynergy Technology.

Through an RFP process, Coppell ISD expressed a need for the modernization of the infrastructure of their primary and secondary datacenters in a number of areas.

First was the district’s compute and storage needs; this included protection of business-critical applications, server virtualization, and an upgrade to 200 concurrent VDI sessions.

Next, the district desired to modernize the networking between datacenters, moving to a spine and leaf architecture as well as software defined networking.

Lastly, the district is implementing a web and application delivery controller solution.

Cynergy, with support from the HVE team, provided a proposal to the RFP which included HVE, Datrium, and Arista technologies. Multiple vendors presented their solutions to Coppell ISD, and Cynergy/HVE was selected as the most cost-effective and appropriate solution.

Cynergy is excited to partner with Coppell ISD on their future-ready datacenter design,” said Kevin Roper, COO, Cynergy. “Working with HVE ConneXions, Datrium, and Arista, we deliver a seamless, modular approach to datacenter design that produces an exceptional end-user experience at a competitive price.

We thank Coppell ISD for the trust they placed in us to complete this data center modernization initiative,” said Joseph O’Daniel, president of virtualization and professional services, Sphere 3D. “We are pleased to see that the market is recognizing that together with our partners, we provide our customers exceptional value and performance.
