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Total Compensation of Western Digital’s Executives

$17.9 million for CEO Steve Milligan in FY17, up 70% from FY16

In a SEC filing from Western Digital Corp., on page 62, there is a table with salary and total compensation of all the main executives of the company for FY15 to FY17, in US$.

Here it is:

Name and Position Fiscal Year Salary  Total Compensation Y/Y Growth

Stephen D. Milligan

2017 1,150,000 17,907,624 70%
  2016 1,050,000 10,546,392 -10%
  2015 1,050,000 11,708,163 NA
Michael D. Cordano
president and COO
2017 800,000 9,517,307 14%
  2016 725,000 8,322,221 40%
  2015 700,000 5,938,027 NA
Mark P. Long
president WD Capital, CSO and CFO 
2017 625,000 8,101,606 95%
  2016  500,000 4,162,173 26%
  2015 475,000 3,296,220 NA
Martin R. Fink
2017 265,385 4,020,918 NA
Michael C. Ray,
EVP, chief legal officer and secretary
2017 550,000 4,582,979 12%
  2016 500,000 4,091,593 NA
Olivier C. Leonetti
former EVP and CFO
2017 125,000 1,636,194 /2.6
  2016 500,000 4,298,719 25%
  2015 408,219 3,447,317 NA

Note: Board of directors appointed Long to the role of president, WD Capital, CSO and CFO Leonetti ceased being CFO, effective September 1, 2016, and he departed from the company on October 1, 2016.
