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Zerto Virtual Replication Beta V5.0

With support for Microsoft Azure

Zerto Ltd. announced its Virtual Replication – and the 5.0 version – was open for beta users at the Microsoft Ignite Conference.

Company’s technology experts lead a conference session discussing its hypervisor-based ‘One-to-Many’ replication for protecting multiple workloads across different datacenter sites, and enterprise DR with Microsoft Azure. Other features include extended 30-day journaling and a mobile BC and DR application. These innovations help business leaders move their businesses forward through anything, while creating new services and business growth opportunities for cloud service providers and resellers with the Zerto Alliance Partner program.

We find when we are thinking about a new strategy or direction for IT, Zerto makes the announcement that they can support that strategy – they are always one step ahead of us. As a global company, we shifted our use of BC/DR software to help enable our cloud strategy by having a product that gives us the ability to use multiple public cloud platforms including Microsoft Azure, as well as cloud service providers,” said Jayme Williams, senior systems engineer, Ten Cate NV. “Zerto’s One-to-Many feature will help us quickly and easily provide critical IT support anywhere in the world without having to provision hardware using multiple targets to simultaneously replicate critical data and applications. Zerto is continually helping us simplify across IT and it helps us simplify our overall infrastructure licensing true up, we can focus on improving productivity, maximize ROI and most importantly, on our business.

Zerto Virtual Replication recently completed a successful alpha test phase, and we’re pleased to see it a step closer to becoming available as cloud-based and software-defined infrastructures become more pervasive in today’s IT-enabled businesses,” said Dominic Anschutz, director, global cloud team, Microsoft Corp.Across industries we see our mutual customer base embracing the shift BC/DR software is driving for these cloud environments, including Microsoft Azure, and how they’re allowing business leaders to build and execute their cloud strategies using Zerto.

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Full feature set of Virtual Replication 5.0
was announced at VMworld 2016 and includes

  • Azure support expands hybrid cloud capabilities – Virtual Replication 5.0 adds support for Azure as a public cloud target. This expands the existing capabilities of company’s Cloud Continuity Platform, which supports application protection and workload migration for private, public, and hybrid clouds.

  • ‘One-to-many’ replication improves SLA flexibility – The One-to-Many feature provides improved migration protection, longer cloud-based retention, and individual VM recovery. The latest version simultaneously replicates a VM to multiple supported target platforms including local or remote vSphere, Hyper-V, AWS, Azure, and firm’s Cloud Service Provider infrastructures.

  • Extended journal capabilities reduce backup constraints and storage costs – For businesses that require longer retention of data, point-in-time recovery from the journal extends up to 30 days from the previous 14-day setting. This expands recovery of any file system object, including but not limited to SQL, Oracle, Exchange, and user data, from any point in time up to one month in the past to remove the impact of data loss from using infrequent backup solutions.

  • Mobile BC/DR application supports ‘Anywhere, Anytime’ IT environment monitoring – The application helps IT professionals stay connected, be proactive, and maintain SLAs by extending IT environment monitoring to their mobile device to ensure critical applications are protected.

As part of our overall strategy to provide innovative solutions that enable our enterprise clients to seamlessly migrate and manage their mission-critical workloads in the cloud, we are excited to be the first service provider to enable the new features in Zerto Virtual Replication 5.0 in the Alpha program,” said Sumeet Sabharwal, group VP and GM, NaviSite, Inc.With exciting and innovative new features like DR to Microsoft Azure, One-to-Many replication, and simultaneous replication and recovery, we see a tremendous opportunity to elevate the game in the enterprise segment and extend our lead in the DR as a Service (DRaaS) space.

Since its recent launch, Zerto Virtual Replication 5.0 has been receiving great fanfare for those looking to achieve greater IT resilience and flexibility in their virtualized infrastructures,” said Ziv Kedem, CEO and co-founder, Zerto. “As a customer-first company, we take great pride in listening to users who depend on Zerto to solve their datacenter challenges, making their businesses more resilient to quickly and easily overcome any IT disruption. This latest release is the culmination of that effort.
