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IBM TS7700 Integration With Cloud-Based Storage Solutions

And TS1150 tape drive now with up to 15TB media

Statement of direction: TS7700 integration with cloud-based storage solutions and TS1150 tape drive enhancement

IBM Corp. plans to offer integration with cloud-based storage solutions as an extension of the existing advanced capabilities of TS7700 systems.

IBM TS7700
Through policy management, the company plans to enable the use of on-premise and off-premise, cloud-based storage for TS7700 content for uses such as data tiers, data archiving, data migration, and DR, and to transport data to other platforms, such as distributed systems applications.

Additionally, IBM also plans to enhance IBM TS1150 Tape drive capabilities by offering Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) over a Converged Ethernet network (RoCE). The new functionality will target the Open Compute infrastructures utilizing IP-based data transfers.

In conjunction, The firm intends to enhance the TS1150 Tape drive family by offering an enhanced version with increased capacity of up to 15TB to utilize existing media JD formats.
