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CloudSigma Deployed StorPool

To replace three storage solutions working in parallel

StorPool Ltd. announced details of how it has helped public infrastructure service provider CloudSigma AG to gain flexibility and performance for its customers.

CloudSigma’s needs included being able to support a resale model and provide bespoke services. Many systems don’t work commercially in this way, but company’s ability to flexibly deploy storage allows CloudSigma to tailor deployments on a case-by-case basis for its customers worldwide to be optimized.

CloudSigma deployed StorPool to replace three existing storage solutions working in parallel – an internally developed solution, based on ZFS, an all-flash array from a leading vendor and several scale-out magnetic deployments with a commercial vendor. Because of the flexibility of StorPool’s solution,

CloudSigma is operating with one complete distributed storage solution. It has sites located across the world, and each site has different needs. CloudSigma can tailor their StorPool software to each specific location, enabling them to offer a flawlessly efficient service under many operational conditions. CloudSigma has seen a 15% increase in margins since deploying StorPool, as well as significant performance increases. Having StorPool has also allowed CloudSigma’s operations team to focus on their core business.

We were impressed not only by the StorPool solution, but also by the StorPool team,” said Robert Jenkins, CEO, CloudSigma. “We have confidence not only in the software, but also that the team behind it is very engaged and has the skill and ability to support a service provider; it’s one of StorPool’s key strengths for us.

Boyan Ivanov, CEO and co-founder, StorPool, said: “CloudSigma have an impressive list of high-profile enterprise customers such as Deutsche Boerse and the European Space Agency. These customers are really demanding and push IT systems to the limits. We are happy that we have provided a boost to their operations indirectly and that we were able to improve CloudSigma’s cloud offerings. They are now better in terms of both price and performance compared to giants like Amazon and Google.”

After deploying StorPool, Robert sees measurable results and competitive advantages for CloudSigma: “By using StorPool we achieved over a 15% increase in our gross margin and that is huge or a service provider. To be able to icrease our gross margin by adopting a new storage system and at the same time increase performance, that’s really a major change. From a commercial perspective after adopting StorPool we’ve been able to adopt a much more efficient fabric that’s allowing us to sell more capacity from the same hardware with a higher service level and perfor,ce than previously.”

Case study
