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Trilead Acquired by Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Secrete Swiss firm in backup for VMware and Hyper-V

On the first page of the web site of Trilead AG, you can read: “We are thrilled to announce that Trilead is now a part of Hewlett Packard Enterprisewww.hpe.com and will be a part of HPE’s leading information management solutions. It’s been an exciting adventure for all of us at Trilead, thanks to our dedicated community of partners and customers. Current Trilead developers will continue to innovate and improve solutions alongside the HPE team. There is a lot more to come and we look forward to continued enhancements as part of Hewlett Packard Enterprise.”

The conditions of this deal were not revealed.

We have never heard about Trilead up to now, a company located in Altendorf, Switzerland, and co-founded in 2007 in Zürich by Dr. Christian Plattner.

It designed a software, VM Explorer, to backup VMware and Hyper-V available in three editions: Free, Pro (€650) and Enterprise (€1,200). Backups can be stored on ESX/vSphere, Windows, Linux or FreeBSD-based storage platforms, or directly to a SAN. VM Explorer requires only one license for an infrastructure and no fees per host or CPU.


Several years ago, Trilead was mentioned as a partner of HP for P6000 EVA storage replication adapter software for VMware vCenter SRM version 5.0.

VM Explorer will be integrated into HP Information Management solutions.
