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Panzura Transforms Oracle Cloud Storage Into Globally Distributed File System

Combination of cloud storage, flash-based controllers, and global file locking provide all tiers of storage and cross-site collaboration.

Panzura, Inc. announced it is adding support for Oracle Storage Cloud Service, transforming Oracle Cloud Storage into a globally distributed file system.

The company added this offering for customers that want to enable collaboration between users at distributed offices and use Oracle Cloud Storage not just for DR and backup, but also as primary storage.

Oracle Storage Cloud Service is a secure and scalable, eventually consistent, object storage solution that eliminates storage hardware planning with capacity on demand. The company adds a software layer on top of Oracle Storage Cloud Service that provides enterprise features such as global file locking, global data deduplication, immediate consistency, and a global namespace.


Company’s globally distributed file system and Oracle Storage Cloud Service enable enterprises to treat their globally dispersed offices as a single location. With company’s offer, Oracle Storage Cloud Service across a wide area network functions the same as on-premise storage across a local area network, but with infinite scalability, better cost models and a higher level of security than local storage. By collapsing all tiers of file storage across all locations, enterprises can reduce their total storage footprint up to 90%.

The company’s solutions not only consolidates all enterprise file storage into the cloud, but enables the Oracle Storage Cloud Service to become the storage fabric that solves cross-site collaboration issues with latency and bandwidth sensitive applications. Company’s patented file locking capability enables users to work collaboratively across distributed sites by reducing the effect of latency between sites. In doing so, the firm’s solutions reduces file open and sync time of users in distributed sites from twenty minutes to 10s, enabling all users to work as if they were in the same room. In one customer case, Panzura enables collaboration across 265 different sites.

Most organizations have some sort of strategic initiative to take advantage of the economics and agility that can be gained by using the cloud,” said Barry Phillips, CMO, Panzura. “Panzura’s global file system is the transformative technology that turns cloud storage into an enterprise file system. CIOs can now rethink their enterprise storage strategy to determine whether they need to continue to invest in the capital and operational expenses of on-premises storage, or focus on storage as a utility.

We were tired of being on the enterprise storage treadmill and knew there had to be a better way,” said David Neumann, director, IT, GRAEF USA. “Panzura not only enabled us to collapse all tiers of our enterprise file storage into the cloud, but also eliminated the need for WAN optimization, data deduplication, and expensive MPLS networks. In the process of centralizing our file storage in the cloud, we reduced our total storage footprint from 80TB to only 15TB.
