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Kroll Ontrack Differentiates Relativity Offering With Cost-Cutting Nearline Technology

Allowing organizations to reduce data volumes and costs associated with e-discovery

An enhancement to Kroll Ontrack’s offering of Relativity allows organizations to reduce data volumes and costs associated with ediscovery, while providing more efficient access to critical documents.


The company announced the integration of its powerful self-nearline technology into its Relativity offering. Built to provide clients with direct and unprecedented control of data volumes and costs in ediscovery.com Review, Kroll Ontrack Inc.‘s proprietary review platform, nearline technology is a proven, effective means of reducing active data volumes and empowering a more focused review, which is especially critical given the average median size of the 1000 largest Relativity matters grew to 5.1 million records per case in 20141.

Organizations are seeking ways to leverage technology to reduce the costs associated with the business practice of ediscovery and reduce time spent reviewing documents. Nearline addresses both,” said Mark Williams, president, Kroll Ontrack. “Over the last 12 months, nearly 100 clients have taken advantage of cost-saving nearline technology in ediscovery.com Review. Kroll Ontrack’s integration of this proprietary technology into Relativity directly addresses the market demand for innovative, cost-cutting technologies – regardless of review tool choice. With nearline storage at 50% of active storage cost, organizations can really cut their overall ediscovery hosting charges. Further, setting aside non-critical data into nearline storage declutters the active workspace, empowering users to hone in on the most critical documents, and sooner.

Case study

Nearline storage, in a technical sense, is an intermediate type of storage that represents a compromise between online/active storage, which supports frequent, very rapid access to data, and offline storage/archiving, which is used for backups or long-term storage. In company’s offering of Relativity, nearline technology empowers users to easily identify and set aside (nearline) non-critical data on demand, and retrieve nearline data in a similar, on-demand manner, without reprocessing and with work product intact. Whether nearlining or retrieving, documents and documents sets can be propagated to any relational group based on the set-up parameters of the workspace. As the nearline application sits in a Relativity workspace, users simply reference the Nearline Tab to view nearline sets and documents within the set. Nearline reporting provides full visibility into all nearline and retrieve activity being completed.

To date, nearline technology has allowed users to remove more than 160 million documents from active storage across 244 projects,” says Wendy King, product director, Kroll Ontrack. “While the number of clients and projects utilizing nearline technology continues to grow, on average, clients nearline or retrieve over 15 million documents each month – 11 million sent to nearline, 4 million retrieved from nearline – all without reprocessing their data. Moving data between active and nearline is instantaneous and easy – literally the click of a button.


In addition to proprietary nearline technology in Relativity, the company offers:

  • Certified relativity expertise: Beyond certified Relativity Experts and a Relativity Master, company’s experienced, consultative Relativity team includes Relativity Certified Administrators, Relativity Infrastructure Specialists and Relativity Analytics Specialists. Company’s professionals leverage the most advanced Relativity features to skillfully guide matters and recommend strategies to promote the best possible outcome.

  • Early case assessment (ECA) workflow: Initially load only text and metadata to control data footprint and reduce costs. Leverage the power and flexibility of Relativity search and Analytics during ECA to gain early data insight and prioritize the most important data for earlier review. Utilize prebuilt Relativity pivot profiles, such as number of documents per custodian or number of documents by type, to gain visual insight from your data. Based on security permissions, self-promote documents from ECA to review on-demand.

  • Assisted redaction: Protect sensitive information and streamline the redaction process through an automated approach to identifying and redacting Personally Identifiable Information (PII), privileged or other pertinent information based on user-defined criteria. Cascade search terms and regular expressions across the entire data collection workspace or a subset of data. Within the Relativity viewer, review, approve or reject all proposed redactions based on defined criteria.

“With unprecedented user-driven control, our offering of Relativity is a powerful tool to help organizations manage the mounting data and costs associated with data analysis and review,” says King. “Combining nearline technology, a customized ECA workflow and assisted redaction with our full team of certified Relativity experts and consultants, Kroll Ontrack delivers an efficient, accurate and cost-effective review.

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