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Promise Debuts Scale-Out Storage Solutions: VSky A-Series

Managing petabytes

Promise Technology Inc. announced iits scale-out storage solutions, VSky A-Series.


The VSky A-Series’ massive scalability and reliable architecture allows businesses to scale, access and archive at petabyte volumes, making it an storage platform for backup/archiving, media editing, video surveillance, virtual environments, content delivery and more.

Data Explosion
As much as 90% of the world’s data has been created in the last two years – thanks in large part to the Internet of Things – a trend which is expected to accelerate. The explosion of data has created massive challenges for IT administrators who must move from thinking on a terabyte scale to thinking on a petabyte scale. Many traditional storage systems lack the flexibility and adaptability to meet the demands of today’s users – further, these systems were not designed to efficiently and cost effectively store petabytes of data. VSky A-Series helps overcome these challenges, as users can scale to petabyte volumes with no downtime and with a single flat name space. Additionally, VSky A-Series creates cost efficiencies in environments where there is a need for massive scalability. With VSky A-Series, IT departments are prepared for data challenges – as no capacity planning is needed and businesses can pay as they go.

VSky A-Series
Unlike competing solutions that lack multi-protocol access, VSky A-Series provides a single infrastructure with scale out capability for object, file, and block level storage. As an all-in-one storage solution, VSky A-Series overcomes the complicated issue of managing different storage systems and can deliver data protection and object, NAS and iSCSI SAN functions via a single management interface. Additionally, Promise can offer the flexibility to select each storage interface separately to meet the demands of users only requiring one of object, file or block-based access.

VSky A-Series are integrated solutions with both the software and hardware provided by the company. This eliminates the installation and support issues that arise when integrating scale-out storage and commodity hardware from different vendors. Additionally, software and hardware have been tested to deliver optimized performance for a applications, including for customers in the video surveillance and media and entertainment markets.

With the amount of video, pictures, audio, and email growing exponentially, enterprises need a solution to manage the enormous challenge of data growth,” said James Lee, CEO, Promise. “Scale-out storage is increasingly the answer for enterprises that are buried under massive volumes of data stored on a variety of hardware and software. With VSky A-Series we are offering an all-in-one software-defined storage solution that enables users to manage huge amounts of data with greater cost savings, scalability, flexibility and simplicity.

VSky A-Series scale-out storage solutions can be deployed as the A1100 and A1970. VSky A1100 are 1U gateway servers that connect to Vess and VTrak storage, providing a unified storage pool for a large number of clients to access. VSky A1970 is a high-density 4U 70 bay, top loaded storage server solution with two independent server nodes. VSky A1970’s high-density design reduces the data center footprint which helps lower IT, power and cooling costs.

Promise has demonstrated the VSky A-Series connecting its scale-out storage solution with FileCruiser, its Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS) solution. The demonstration simulated a data center environment with FileCruiser running as a VM with its data backed up on VSky A-Series. Additionally, Promise has showcased its Vess R2000 HA dual controller NAS in a demonstration with vSphere.

VSky A1100 (Vess compatible) and A1970 will be available in Q2 through the company network of distributors and VARs. VSky A1100 will be compatible with VTrak storage in Q3.
