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CloudMe Cuts Price: 30€/500GB/Month

Also embraces responsive design on the web.

In the competitive landscape of sync/cloud storage, CloudMe AB is aiming at consumers and small businesses who wants a modern, colorful and responsive web design – using the entire browser window.

cloudme prices

Customers who favor easy of use, European privacy and available features instead of blindly looking at price per gigabyte.

Founder Daniel Arthursson says: “CloudMe wants conscious customers who value quality, design and European privacy. Customers who appreciate that it is better to pay a little bit more than pay with your privacy.

Nevertheless it announced price cuts as high as 25%. A plan of 100GB is available for 8€ per month, while the 500GB business plan is priced at 30€ per month. The company is also offering up to 19GB for free through its referral program.

The company has been expanding and improving its in-house clustered cloud computing platform and data center during the last two years. It goes against the stream by owning its hardware and building its own cloud stack on top of MapR Technologies, Inc.

Long-term it is not a sustainable business to layer on top of Amazon, giving away free paid for storage bundled with low margin subscriptions, CloudMe have on the other hand kept the core business of storage in-house and not outsourced it, enabling better margins and European privacy for its customers,” says founder Daniel Arthursson.

The service enables file synchronization between computers, smartphones, tablets and TVs. Everything from collaborating in a shared folder to having mobile camera roll available on tablet or TV.
