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Storage Made Easy Releasing Mobile and Desktop Branding Apps

For private enterprise file share and sync solution

Storage Made Easy released App creation branding tools for enterprise customers of their private enterprise file share and sync solution.

Storage Made Easy,Apps

The company has released cross platform branding ‘packagers’ for enterprise customers.

Jim Liddle CEO said: “We find enterprise companies are very brand conscious with regards to the Applications they deploy. To that end we have made it easy for them to completely customize the web, mobile and desktop tools that they deploy as part of the SME private enterprise file share and sync solution.

Liddle continued: “We went a step further than just enabling customizations in that we provide mobile and desktop Application ‘packagers’ in which the companies can control not only branding but also which parts of the Apps are available and also which features they want their users to have access to. The end result is a customized setup executable, Mac package, or mobile application that can be deployed specifically to meet a companies needs. Companies can create feature rich and lighter version of their companies Apps and distribute them dependant on skill level, requirement and need.

Matt Adams from ThinkOn, the Canadian cloud provider which utilizes Storage Made Easy EFSS solution said: “The packagers allow us to go beyond a “one size fits all” offering and gives our Enterprise customers a tailored solution that fits their business while identifying with their corporate brand.

The SME EFSS branding extends from the web through to Mac, Windows, and native mobile applications.

The packagers are available as part of a Storage Made Easy private enterprise file share and sync solution.
