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German Aerospace Center Deploys Scality Ring

To host active archive for large amounts of HD satellite images

German Aerospace Center selected Scality RING petabyte scale storage solution to host its active archive for large amounts of their HD satellite images.

German Aerospace Center

DLR’s Earth Observation Center uses remote sensing to perform environmental and climate studies. These studies enable improved forecasting and analysis, including the prevention and management of natural disasters. The Earth Observation Center’s (EOC) photogrammetry and image analysis unit selected and deployed Scality more than a year ago to model topography, land use and further geo-information products. Based on Scality’s success in meeting the demands of DLR’s HPC environment, EOC is planning on doubling the capacity of their RING production system.

The EOC RING supports the unlimited capacity required of an archive of millions of extremely high-resolution images, growing by many terabytes during the conduct of each mission, and provides the performance required of sophisticated image processing. Scality’s natively distributed design enables concurrent access by many workstations to EOC’s massive image archive and handles the compute-intensive workloads that the Image Analysis department requires. In addition to providing HPC-class throughput, RING’s data protection technologies support the levels of data resilience and durability required by EOC for this irreplaceable information asset.

Scality’s RING provides us with a proven solution unlike any other we have found,” said Pr. Peter Reinartz, head of the photogrammetry and image analysis department. “Scality provides for unlimited growth and high IO/s across many information system formats, including access to traditional file systems and cloud storage resource via CDMI. This is very unusual, and as we grow, it is proving to be an essential element of our workflow and infrastructure.

DLR has developed one of the most advanced imaging analysis groups,” said Jerome Lecat, CEO, Scality. “We are pleased to partner with their Earth Observation Center, and are intrigued to learn that the world’s most scalable storage system is being used to map the world’s highest scale mountain range, the Karakoram, site of the legendary K2. Scality is proud to help DLR solve mission critical environmental problems at the forefront of earth science.
