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University of Concepcion Enrolls IBM PureSystems

Via partner Crecic

IBM Corporation announced that the University of Concepcion has installed its PureSystems to modernize its IT infrastructure and increase the availability and storage of its e-mail accounts for students and teachers.

University of Concepcion

The systems will also expand the university’s storage capacity and processing ability, helping to deliver a stable, secure and fast platform for all its websites.

The modernization was a joint project between the IT Department (DTI) of the University of Concepcion and IBM Business Partner Crecic SA. The system will run all the services and web domains of the university, enabling the development of future applications and also allowing teachers and students to have six times more computing capacity and four times more digital storage then they currently have. [1]

PureSystems will allow the university to standardize onto a single system all of the different technologies that the school was running, helping to ensure future growth and a level of consistent and reliable response.

This is the largest IT investment made by the University in the last 10 years,” said Sergio Lavanchy, principal, University of Concepcion. “The investment puts us at the forefront in the field of education, since we are the first higher education institution in the country to opt for a solution of this kind.

PureSystems integrates onto one platform servers, storage, switches and management software. [2] This integration of systems allowed the university to complete installation, platform migration and implementation of the solution in less than 20 days.

Since the systems were launched in April 2012, more than 8,000 clients from 100 countries have selected PureSystems.

The family offers clients an alternative to current enterprise computing models, where multiple and disparate systems require significant resources to set up and maintain. The PureFlex System enables organizations to more efficiently create and manage an infrastructure. PureApplication Systems help organizations reduce the cost and complexity of rapidly deploying and managing applications. PureData Systems are tuned for cloud computing and can consolidate more than 100 databases on a single system. In addition to the common web application patterns supported by PureApplication System, the combination of both PureData and PureApplication Systems can be used for end to end transaction workloads.

[1] Students will be able to have an email with up to 500MB of disk space, and teachers gain email with up to 1GB of storage.
[2] University of Concepcion implemented Flex System with FSM (Flex System Manager), 6 x240 nodes and v7000 storage providing a total of 30TB of storage.
