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Life Documents Storage Storing Life Information in Case of Accident

End-of-life planning tool accessible on the web

Even though death is an inevitable part of life, most people avoid making end of life plans.


As a result, family members are often left to put loved ones’ affairs in order but are unsure where to even begin. In an effort to make this process easier and less stressful for families, a Michigan funeral director has launched Life Document Storage, an end-of-life planning and life information transfer company.

A lot of families aren’t prepared to deal with their loved one’s final affairs,” says Simpson. “People often think because they have estate plans, a life insurance policy, a will and trust, or funeral plans made, then they are all set,” says Life Document Storage founder and CEO, Bill Simpson. “The problem is if their families can’t find this information when they need it, they’re not really prepared.

The service enables users to store information about life documents such as estate plans, medical information, and life insurance policies, as well as upload actual copies of those documents into a safe environment. People can store and transfer other valuable life information such as family and genealogical history, online account information, family photos, pet information, family recipes and much more.

Life Document Storage allows a person to answer questions such as, ‘If something were to happen to me today, what information would my family need to know? What information would my family want to know? How would I get that information to my family?‘” Simpson explains. “Having worked in funeral service for more than 10 years, I saw firsthand the troubles families experienced trying to find their loved one’s important information. I used my 10 years of experience to build and develop Life Document Storage. The really unique thing about Life Document Storage is the database actually helps guide a person through the process of determining what information their family will need or want to know if something were to happen to them.

Three years in development, it was built with three goals in mind: to provide people with a safe and secure means to store and transfer their important information in the event of their death or incapacitation, to provide families with the peace of mind that their loved one’s information is available to them 24/7, and to be the leader in online end-of-life planning.

I’m proud to say we have met or exceeded all of these goals,” acknowledges Simpson. “Life Document Storage is the most powerful, comprehensive and complete online end-of-life planning and life information system available today. As a funeral director, I saw on a daily basis the challenges faced by even the most prepared families. Life Document Storage allows people to leave their family answers – not questions,” says Simpson.
