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NetApp Delivers Storage and Data Management Expertise

For White House Military Credentialing and Licensing Initiative

The president’s Military Credentialing and Licensing
Task Force
, led by the Department of Defense, is charged with identifying
military specialties that readily transfer to civilian jobs.


Working with civilian credentialing and licensing associations, the
administration is beginning to address gaps between military training programs
and credentialing and licensing requirements. Through the Joining Forces
Initiative, they are able to provide service members with greater access to
necessary certification and licensing exams.

As the current #1 storage provider to the federal government,
(source: GovWin Consulting Analysis of FPDS-NG, October 2012) NetApp, Inc. is pleased to work with
the Joining Forces Initiative to offer web-based training and storage
certification to military service personnel. The NetApp Certified Storage
Associate certification (NCSA) is a new, entry-level certification designed to
familiarize participants with storage technology and terminology, NetApp
products and solutions, and the skills to accomplish basic tasks with the
NetApp Data ONTAP architecture. ONTAP is the world’s #1 branded
storage OS (source: IDC Worldwide Quarterly Disk Storage Systems Tracker Q4 2012, March 2013 (Open Networked Disk Storage Systems Revenue)).

"We are
committed to helping our troops get the credentials they need,
" said Mark
Weber, president of NetApp US public sector. "We are proud to be part of a forum that is working to spotlight the
training program, and to collaborate with key stakeholders to share ideas and
best practices to get our veterans and military personnel in high-demand jobs.

Through its Academic Alliances Program, NetApp will
provide veterans and service personnel with NetApp Learning Accounts, access to
web-based training classes, the ability to complete hands-on lab exercises
through a virtual lab environment, and up to 500 test vouchers to complete the
NCSA certification at a local Pearson VUE testing center. NetApp looks forward
to working with Joining Forces and the coalition of participating organizations
to deliver this innovative certification curriculum to program participants.
