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Rob Stevens SVP Sales and Marketing, Backupify

And David Block VP engineering

Backupify, provider of online backup services for web-based application data, has added two senior executives to accelerate the company’s growth.

backupify_david_block In December the company named David Block as Vice President of Engineering. Block brings more than 20 years of technical, management and design experience in the software industry. He played an integral role in building five successful software companies including ChoiceStream and most recently, JAZD Markets where he was a founder and VP of Engineering. Before JAZD, He has held leadership roles at several other companies: he co-founded and served as CTO of myteam.com; was architect and interface designer at Lotus Development; and produced Internet and CD-ROM products for Vertigo Development.

He received his undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Brown University.

backupify_rob_stevens Also in December, Rob Stevens was named Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing. Stevens has more than 15 years of experience building technology companies, including most recently Kiva Systems where he held a variety of senior roles as the company grew from 20 people to more than 250 over six years. Prior to Kiva Rob worked at FreeMarkets, Inc., the leading provider of global supply management technology and services, and McKinsey & Company, an international strategy consulting firm.

He holds a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University and a MBA from MIT Sloan School of Management.

"2011 was a great year for Backupify – we grew to over 3000 business customers and more than 200TB of data protected, while adding significant new product features," said Rob May, Founder and CEO of Backupify. "The addition of David and Rob to the management team makes me that much more confident that we will be able to support our exponential growth trajectory."

In addition to the new executives, the company has added team members across the board, including roles in engineering, support, sales, and marketing.

To aid the company in managing its growth, Backupify also added leadership to the board of directors and board of advisors. Working with executive search firm Ignition Talent Group, Backupify identified and appointed Alex Chriss from Intuit Inc. to its board of directors and to further bolster a roster of industry veterans, Chris Litster from Constant.
