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Mahwah Township Public Schools Chose Balesio Fileminimizer

For reducing primary storage "by an average of 50%"

balesio AG has helped a frustrated organisation significantly reduce the
size and impact of its unstructured data. The Mahwah Township Public Schools is a community public school district that serves students from Mahwah, New
Jersey, from kindergarten through to twelfth grade.


With balesio’s FILEminimizer
software the school district has achieved an average of 50% data
reduction on primary storage, a total reduction of several hundred
GBs of unstructured data, and also flattened the growth rate of these files
through ongoing optimisation.

With six schools, close to 3,500 students, and over 250 teachers relying
heavily on PowerPoint, Word and Excel as well as images and PDF files for
educational purposes, the amount of unstructured files that is created and
stored on the district’s costly primary storage is immense. Furthermore, the
growth rate of this data was a real issue and Carlos Rosa, the schools’ IT
administrator, was faced with ever-growing storage requirements despite having
a tight (public) budget. Financing this increasing unstructured data flood was
not an option.

The school district chose to tackle the problem at source and chose
FILEminimizer Server. The software’s ability to reduce the size of unstructured
files by up to 90% put the school district in a position to fight
this sprawling problem.

Rosa confirms: "The extensive use of Microsoft Office files,
images and other unstructured data is normal in the education space but despite
our best efforts it was getting out of hand. Thanks to FILEminimizer Server we
have reduced our storage footprint by an average of 50%, releasing several
hundred GBs of existing primary storage space that was until then unnecessarily

Shortly after deploying FILEminimizer Server, the performance of the email
network improved as bandwidth needs were reduced since
optimised, permanently smaller unstructured files were now being shared.

For Rosa the benefits are tangible: "Thanks to balesio we have been able to
postpone the purchase of additional storage capacity. FILEminimizer Server paid
back for itself as soon as it was installed and it has made a tremendous
difference to our IT budget and to our network performance.

"What many datacentre administrators
don’t realise is that there is an easy, quick and cost-effective way to make
their storage work smarter and that is by eliminating unnecessary ‘bloat’ in
unstructured data,
" said Christoph Schmid, Chief Operating Officer at
balesio. "Why carry excess weight
when you can have a leaner and easier to manage storage infrastructure?
