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Mimosa Supports EDRM XML Standard

Within its NearPoint platform

Mimosa Systems, Inc. announced its support of an Extensible Markup Language (XML) standard developed by the Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) for the easy transfer of electronically stored information (ESI) throughout all phases of the eDiscovery process. The standard – created by electronic discovery software and services providers, law firms and corporations – provides a uniform format for the exchange of content and metadata between different applications, systems, and organizations involved in the eDiscovery process.

Mimosa will support the EDRM XML within its NearPoint platform to extend archived content into downstream review and analytics applications. The company is collaborating with FTI Consulting, a global business advisory firm, to certify that archived content stored in native format can be transformed according to the XML specification and ingested into the FTI Ringtail review and analytics platform without compromising the integrity of the content, maintaining chain of custody throughout the eDiscovery process.

FTI Ringtail is committed to the EDRM XML standard, and we are pleased to see our partner Mimosa support it,” said Ed Pfromer, senior managing director at FTI (developers of the Ringtail platform).  “Jointly, we hope to leverage industry standards in order to streamline and reduce the cost of the eDiscovery process.

Mimosa’s EDRM XML support will reduce customers’ processing costs as IT and legal departments will no longer have to spend costly time converting data formats when they exchange ESI between applications.

Our support of the EDRM XML standard demonstrates our leadership role in advancing the technology of eDiscovery,” said Scott Whitney, vice president of product management at Mimosa Systems. “By incorporating this standard into our evolving NearPoint content archive platform we will provide customers with more efficient, easier-to-use products that will help minimize risk and reduce their cost of doing business.

The XML standard addresses a core difficulty for electronic discovery consumers and providers – moving and formatting different types of data across disparate systems,” said George Socha, co-founder of EDRM and president of Socha Consulting LLC. “By supporting this standard, Mimosa is taking a leadership role in enabling greater efficiencies within the eDiscovery process.

About EDRM
The Electronic Discovery Reference Model (EDRM) Project was launched in 2005 to address the lack of standards and guidelines in the electronic discovery market. The completed reference model provides a common, flexible and extensible framework for the development, selection, evaluation and use of electronic discovery products and services.
