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ARTEC Launches EMA-Release 3.3

Integrating iSCSI, SAN storage systems and FC drives

ARTEC Computer GmbH has launched EMA-Release 3.3 with added functionalities, some of them being optional.

SAN Support option available
The new EMA version for the first time allows the integration of iSCSI, SAN storage systems and Fibre Channel drives. Moreover, the included volume manager lets you combine and manage the different storage technologies so that a migration, enlargement, expansion or a deduction of volumes is now possible at any time. Furthermore, EMA now connects to USB devices. iSCSI and Fibre Channel are separately obtainable software options. iSCSI uses the standard network connection. For fibre channel a certified QLogic HBA is necessary. The Fibre Channel Option is available for EMA-S400/-E1000 and also can        be added to any existing EMA-S400 model (V2 with black bezel) and EMA-E1000.

Single Sign-On option available
From now on, EMA users can benefit from a Single Sign-On procedure (SSO). In other words: you may log on to EMA directly out of Outlook or your browser without re-entering your user data. User names and passwords do no longer need to be generated on-demand in EMA. Instead they are being checked live against the running system. EMA offers different methods of authentification, e.g. HTTPS-Client-Certificate, Smart Cards, PKI, Kerberos, NTLM, Ticket Server, Radius etc.

The optional Enterprise-E-Mail-Import wizard transfers existing data into the archive
The new Enterprise E-Mail Importer lets you archive huge volumes of  existing E-Mail data which may have accumulated over a longer period of time. The Importer accepts account lists in text files for IMAP-servers, searches entire file servers for PST-files and Outlook archives, and can automatically import complete Exchange Servers into the archive by the help of Active Directory queries. Moreover, the Importer provides automated assignment of accounts and files to EMA accounts. A preliminary emulation secures the success, and an extensive final report documents the measures taken.

Account Management Expanded
As yet, EMA automatically learns intelligently – and without the intervention of the administrators – all E-Mail addresses after the configuration is completed. On this basis, the device sets up EMA accounts which –with the new version – may be grouped and thus managed as a master account. A feature quite useful after address adjustments or for users with multiple E-Mail accounts.

Delegation Feature Supplements Roles and Rights Concept

A new feature is the delegation function which supplements the existing roles and rights concept: users can thereby make their account available for other users. The function supplies means to set up from when to when access is granted and what functions (browse, download, export, etc.) the delegation may use. This provides a more effective management of multiple user accounts which can now be shared between several users.

LDAP Support Expanded

ARTEC has significantly expanded EMA’s LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). The LDAP use may now be configured on detail and be adapted on the basis of each individual user. As of now, EMA also supports OpenLDAP.

Consistency Check for correct Archiving

The new consistency check feature lets administrators determine whether data on external resources is properly archived. EMA identifies existing problems and can resolve many of them right away. In addition, EMA generates an audit report containing information about identified and resolved problems. This reporting procedure may be automated. But as it is being signed and archived as all the other data it may also serve as documented compliance evidence and thereby highlight the extra care you apply when comes to dealing with critical business data.

Management: EMA-S400 and EMA-E1000 series provide a direct Management via VGA/Keyboard. LAN Management is replaced by a FC HBA when SAN Upgrade is installed


ARTEC Computer GmbH
