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Nimbus Data All-Flash Array ExaFlash

50TB to 4.5PB, $0.19 per effective gigabyte

After nearly three years of development, Nimbus Data Systems, Inc. unveiled ExaFlash, an all-flash platform for cloud, big data, virtualization and massive digital content.

Nimbus Data,ExaFlash
 ExaFlash platform will reshape the storage and data center industries. It offers scale (from terabytes to exabytes), efficiency (95% lower power and 50x greater density than existing all-flash arrays), and a price point (a fraction of the cost of existing all-flash arrays).
Worldwide storage demand continues to escalate, and with it, the need to increase data center efficiency, achieve scale with consistent performance, maintain simplicity, and reduce cost,” stated Thomas Isakovich, CEO and founder, Nimbus Data. “Our vision is unencumbered by conventional thinking, and ExaFlash’s ground-breaking achievements reflect that vision.”
Infinite scalability and possibilities
The ExaFlash platform incorporates a novel architecture that enables virtually infinite scalability, from terabytes to exabytes, as one centrally-managed all-flash system. Data flow is decoupled from metadata and management is centralized, operating completely out-of-band. This provides one interface and one pane-of-glass for all administration. There is no data network between the storage arrays themselves, so performance scales in lock-step with capacity and with consistent latency. Multiple storage protocols, including block, file, and object, can operate simultaneously using Ethernet, FC, and IB networks, eliminating storage ‘islands’.
Efficiency and savings
The building blocks of the ExaFlash platform are ExaFlash arrays, a new family of all-flash systems that sets new records for energy efficiency, capacity, connectivity options, and rack space density.

Unlike off-the-shelf servers, ExaFlash arrays are precision-engineered for efficiency and performance. They draw 95% less power per terabyte than competing designs by eliminating irrelevant components and minimizing CPU utilization through intelligent hardware-offload engines.

ExaFlash arrays also incorporate dense MLC flash drives to deliver up to 50x the capacity in the same rack space as competing alternatives. They are available in sizes ranging from 50TB to 4.5PB and feature the latest 32Gb FC, up to 100GbE, and up to EDR (100Gb) IB connectivity. They feature dual active-active controllers, redundant power and cooling, and hot-swappable components for always-on availability and easy serviceability.
Software provides complete data management
The new ExaFlash OS is powerful, API-driven storage and data management software for the ExaFlash platform. The OS provides a single pane-of-glass administration interface for total control. It also provides support for all major storage protocols, including block, file and object protocols, simultaneously. Using the API, storage administrators can automate every conceivable storage task centrally. Inline variable deduplication and LZ4 compression maximize storage utilization, and real-time checksums ensure data integrity.
Breakthrough price point for all-flash
ExaFlash costs less than half that of competing all-flash systems, bringing the all-flash data center from dream to achievable reality. Depending on capacity, it offers  price point as low as $0.19 per effective gigabyte (including all software and hardware). This is a direct assault on traditional HDD arrays, and all existing all-flash arrays, for a range of applications, from virtualization and databases to cloud infrastructure, digital content repositories, and big data. Combined with the technology achievements that make ExaFlash so space and power efficient, ExaFlash offers a 90% lower TCO than competing all-flash arrays, making it the choice for forward-thinking enterprise and cloud providers looking to minimize IT cost and maximize profitability.

ExaFlash is available for pre-order now, with availability expected in Q4 2016.

Nimbus Data will be exhibiting the ExaFlash line at Flash Memory Summit in Santa Clara, CA.
