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Start-Up Profile: N2W Software

Israeli company in data protection for production environments optimized for AWS

N2W Software, Inc.
HQs and offices
Advanced Technologies Center, Haifa, Israel
Founded in
March 2012
Financial funding
No external funding; bootstrapping growth and profitable

Main executives

  • N2W Software wollochUri Wolloch, co-founder and CEO, has more than 15 years of experience in architecture and software development.  In the past eight years, he has been focused on development of storage and data protection software and was a development manager and technical leader at FilesX. Upon FilesX’s acquisition by IBM in 2008, he served as a software architect in IBM/Tivoli, working on TSM FastBack and TSM for virtual environments. He holds several patents in the field of storage and data protection. He holds a Bsc in Computer Science from the University of Haifa, Israel
  • Ohad Kritz,  co-founder and chief business officer, is responsible for all business aspects of the company, including business development, sales, operations, legal and finance. Prior to N2WS, he was director of global sourcing and licensing at DSP Group and director of business development at Tower Semiconductor. He holds LL.B degree in Law (Magna Cum Laude) and BA degree in Accounting (Magna Cum Laude) from Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
  • Ophir Shalitin, CMO, is in charge of marketing strategy. He was formerly VP marketing for Cloudyn, in cloud monitoring and optimization. Before that he served as head of funnel marketing for Perfecto Mobile, seeing triple digit growth every year, and head of global marketing for Finjan Software (acquired by Trustwave). He holds a BA in Computer Science and Economics and has an MBA from the University of Tel-Aviv (Magna Cum Laude). He is also a graduate of the Wharton GCP program.

Number of employees
Data protection (cloud backup, recovery and DR) for production environments optimized for AWS EC2 infrastructure on the basis of Amazon’s native snapshots.
Product description
Cloud Protection Manager 2.0 backups thousands of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) databases and Amazon Redshift clusters. Leveraging AWS native technology, CPM 2.0 allows AWS customers to automate, control, and maintain backup and recovery activities for their enterprise production environments.

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N2W Software product

Enhancements in CPM 2.0:

  • File-Level Recovery – Extending beyond disk-level instant recovery, users can search and recover files and folders in Amazon EC2 using a web-based console. It allows users to get fast snapshot block-level backup without sacrificing the usability of file-level search and recovery.
  • Scalable Windows Backup – CPM 2.0 delivers support for application-aware live backup of Microsoft applications in automated, scalable and secured environments. Using a new generation of thin backup agents with built-in support for Microsoft VSS, this functionality is for customers running large-scale Windows production environments. Backups can be created reliably without interrupting ongoing operations, while ensuring their consistency for a single point in time.
  • Amazon Aurora and MariaDB RDS Backups – The software now delivers data protection to all types of Amazon RDS databases, including the new Amazon Aurora clusters and MariaDB. By applying its policy-based backup management to Amazon RDS databases, it allows superior backup resiliency for mission-critical Amazon RDS databases.
  • Enhanced Automation – With a CLI utility and a set of RESTful APIs, CPM 2.0 allows DevOps teams to integrate backup and recovery operations with other cloud automation processes to create an automated and streamlined cloud computing environment.

Other new features include one-click Windows server recovery in AWS, Amazon Machine Image (AMI) scheduling, detailed recovery monitoring, support for AWS’ new AsiaPac (Seoul) Region and for all types of Amazon EC2 instances.
Released date
February 17, 2016
It starts from $62.5/month for Basic Edition with 5 backup instances up to $750/month for Enterprise Edition with 500 backup instances, sold on AWS Marketplace. Special Cloud Protection Manager Editions, sold directly by N2W Software, are for MSPs – with a pay-as-you-go model – and Enterprise+, supporting specially large or custom environments and priced per specific deployment.
CPM future releases will support additional AWS services and provide more advanced backup and recovery options.
MSPs, system integrators and technology resellers including IConsulting, Trek10, Redwire
Number of customers
Hundreds in 30 countries
Main customers
Tens of Fortune 500 companies, tier-1 IT service providers and hundreds of SMBs, including Time Inc., XMPie (Xerox), Linaro, ITM, Trek10, Lemongrass, ITPreneurs, Red wire services, IOP Institute of Physics, Innovative Computing Systems
Target market
Amazon AWS users, with emphasis on larger deployments, enterprises and MSPs
Legacy solutions such as Commvault and Symantec/Veritas suited for the local datacenter.
