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Barry Rudolph, Industry Advisory Board’s Member, GreenBytes

With IBM for 32 years in HDD, tape and networking hardware businesses

GreenBytes, Inc. announced that Barry Rudolph has joined its industry advisory board.

A former IBM executive with more than 30 years of storage and networking leadership, he will help guide GreenBytes as it grows and innovates in the desktop virtualization market.

"We are extremely pleased to have Barry join our advisory board. His extraordinary accomplishments at IBM, vast storage industry expertise, and deep understanding of how OEMs operate will be invaluable as GreenBytes continues to grow," said Steve O’Donnell, chairman and CEO, GreenBytes. "We’re particularly excited to have Barry’s insights as we refine our business strategy and expand efforts around the OEM channel."

"GreenBytes is addressing critical storage-related desktop virtualization issues in ways that are truly unique, and that impact the technology’s cost, performance and adoption," said Rudolph. "I’m pleased to join GreenBytes’ advisory board and share insights into how the company can help partners and enterprises realize even greater benefits from desktop virtualization."

rudolph_greenbytes Currently on the boards of Velocidata and Dot Hill Systems, Rudolph was with IBM for 32 years until his retirement in 2010. He held numerous senior-level positions with responsibilities in various functional roles including operations, product and market management, engineering, product development, test and assurance, program management, field support and direct manufacturing. Additionally, he held business general management roles with responsibility for all aspects of the P&L. He served as VP for a variety of IBM groups including storage strategy, stack integration, and strategic relationships, and as responsible business executive for the disk storage, tape and archive, and networking hardware businesses.

Rudolph joins other IT veterans on industry advisory board:

  • Randall Chalfant, advisor, IABPro; former CTO, Sun Microsystems
  • Edward L. Haletky, president, CEO and principal consultant, AstroArch Consulting; founder and MD, The Virtualization Practice, LLC
  • Bruce Kornfeld, advisor, IABPro; former Dell and Compellent executive
  • Mike Miracle, SVP marketing and strategy, BlackRidge Technology; former CMO and SVP, SevOne
  • Ben Woo, founder and MD, Neuralytix; former program VP of IDC’s WW storage systems research

Read also:
Barry Rudolph Board’s Director, VelociData
Was VP system storage for IBM.
Barry Rudolph Board’s Director, Dot Hill
He was VP for IBM Disk, SAN and NAS.
